The Lord told me that he is going to something thing which has never been done before.He said he is going to do something that will separate his True Prophets from the False ones for the whole world to see.
Isaiah 43:18-19 says, "Do not remember the former things Nor consider the things of old.Behold,I will do a New thing,Now it will spring forth;Will you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
He said to me,"My word is sharper than any two edged sword and it will divide between the False Prophets and the True ones,the wheat and the Tares,the Sheep and the goats."
"My servants should pray everyday without ceasing with fasting from time to time,evangelising and living a Holy life." "When they do this,I will teach them through the Holy Spirit how I want things to be done.Tell them that it is time to wave good bye to formal Churches and cold Religion."Revelations 18:4 says, "Come out of her my people,lest you partake in her sins or receive of her plagues.
The Lord said,"I will teach my servants my word and how to worship me in truth and in Spirit.Then they'll start a Holy Fire which can never be quenched."
Isaiah 55:11 says,"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,But it shall accomplish what I please,And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
He said that He is still on the throne and He is the same yesterday today and forever.
The Lord told me that just as fire came down from heaven for Elijah only but not for the False Prophets,he'll do the same today.
The False Prophets cried all day long till evening and even started cutting themselves and jumping up and down at the altar but no fire came.
Elijah just prayed once and fire came down immediately from heaven.1 Kings 18:22-39.He said he has not changed!
He said he is going to bring back to us the Faith of the Apostles! He said that just as they lived together in harmony,sharing with one another,being in one accord and walking in power of the Holy Spirit,he is going to bring it back in this age.
The Apostles were so anointed that people would even sit just waiting for Peter to pass by so that his Shadow should fall upon them and they will be healed.
He said he wants to to go back to the teachings of the Apostles which have been forsaken by most Churches in this age.
He said we should check how the Apostles did things in the bible and do everything the same way including baptising in the Name of Jesus Christ and not in titles Father Son and Holy Spirit.Jesus in Matthew 28:19 said to use a name not titles.
All the Apostles baptised in the Name of Jesus Christ after the Holy Spirit taught them on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:38.
Ephesians 2:20 says,
"Together, we are his house, BUILT ON THE FOUNDATION OF THE APOSTLES and the prophets. And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself. "
I have explained about water baptism on a post on my Timeline entitled 'How should water Baptism be done?'
A sister from Kenya was sharing with me that the Lord had said the Apostles would come back here on earth.So I explained to her that he meant the Spirit of the Apostles would come back.Just like the bible said Elijah would come back meaning John the Baptist who came in the Spirit of Elijah according to Matthew 11:13-15.
Then I sent her a screen shot of my conversation with Rachael that he had been telling me the same and we were all very happy! 2 Corinthians 13:1 says,"Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses."
False Prophets have come among God's children pretending to be Sheep.Thats why I say over and over again that a real revelation should not contradict other scriptures and cause people to sin.Put on the whole armour of God and use it,don't just keep the Knowledge.Ephesians 6:12-18.
The Lord told me that he is going to do something for his true Servants that the devil will not be able to imitate.Let every one be baptised with the Holy Spirit.
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