By Emmanuel Samsonjude Senayon
Oh ye Christian i can have the mighty feeling, we are getting closer
to hope, we would soon enter into the gate of joy, soon we will be
welcome, soon we would reach the celestial gate, press forward, we
are at the edge of Glory, never give up, all shall be well.
Take heed in this journey, there are a lot of destruction on the left
and on the right, even at your back there are forces against your
soul, therefore look forward, can't you see the hope that is ahead of
us, behold the beauty of the celestial gate, behold the reflection of
the divine light in the celestial city which the Light is God, Christian
never give up.(Rev 22:5).
Many who are on their journey to celestial city are tired to continue
their journey , they were broken off because of carelessness, and
also the cares of this life has taken the position of the zeal of
celestial city in their life, oh YE pilgrims take heed lest you be
counted among the broken branches.(Rom 11:19-21).
Are you a broken branches ? You can still be grafted into this
beautiful journey of Hope, dust yourself, enough of rising and
falling, take a solid decision, the eternal joy is near.(Rom 11:22-23).
Be faithful unto the very end, there are echo of the voice of the
prince of this world echoing behind you, never look back, never
heed to the trap of the flesh, God says match forward, there are
eternal joy ahead of you, there are eternal hope ahead of you, there
are eternal peace ahead of you, perceive the reflection of the glory
of God in the celestial city, it is meant for me and you, never miss it.
In this journey of hope, there a lot of junction which you must go
through, no matter how you must pass through this junction before
gotten to celestial city.
you will get to, you will pray and yet feel empty as if God has
Abandoned you, you will pray and pray but yet it would be as if God
never hear you but i tell you, God hears your prayer, you can not be
abandoned by God as long that you are Doing his will. It is very
important for you to pass through that junction to celestial city.
2. JUNCTION OF DISCOURAGEMENT : It is very necessary to pass
through this junction, where you will feel discouraged and rejected
by everyone. That is when you will see men of God who claim to be
real servant of God swimming in worldliness, and the thought would
come, pastors are doing it, why can't i ? My church members are
doing it, why can't i ? All this is called discouragement. In this
junction look unto Jesus.
3. THE JUNCTION OF PERSECUTION : You shall be hated by all men,
in your church you will be hated, in your street you will be hated and
be called all kinds of evil name, you will be abandoned by parent, by
friends, by mentor, but he that shall endure to the end, the same
shall be saved.
4. THE JUNCTION OF HARDSHIP : many give up in this junction of
hardship, to eat will be problem, no husband, no wife, no job, no
food,no cloth, all this is junction that you must go through but is for
a time.
5. THE JUNCTION OF SHADOWS OF DEATH : This is the junction
you will be attack seriously, to do fasting would be difficult, to be
praying would be difficult, to study bible would be a problem, this is
the junction you need to put all your hope on Jesus Christ. Only
those will overcome in this junction are those who have the
understanding of the authority in the name of Jesus Christ.
6. THE JUNCTION OF RELIEF : This is the most dangerous junction,
this is the junction that make you feel that there is no more need of
prayer and fasting, even evangelism and studying of God's word.
This is the junction that make you feel no demon is looking for your
soul, this is the junction that make many pilgrim to forget about
their journey, many has be snatched in this junction because they
slept and slumbered.
7. THE GATE OF CELESTIAL CITY : After going through all the
junction, you will now get before the gate of celestial city, you will
knock and the Holy angels would welcome you, and Jesus would
said "WELCOME MY FAITHFUL SERVANT" this should be our hope,
to received the welcome of Jesus Christ.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— February 12, 2016
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