James 5:16 “Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
Hello friends.
Yesterday as I was praying,the Lord showed me in a vision that many Christians have unconfessed sins which they are finding it so hard to confess due to the perceived consequences of their confession.
There are many types of sin and its not all types that require a confession to someone. Sometimes, God will require you to confess to Him depending on the nature of the sin,and other times He’ll require you to make a confession to Him and to the person you wronged.
You’ll know you have to confess to someone when the Holy Spirit convicts you. Thats why it is important to be baptised with the Holy Spirit and to have a personal relationship with Him so that you can know what He wants you to do. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is received when one prays asking God for the Holy Spirit. One is supposed to pray until they receive and you’ll know when you receive without any one telling you. It will be definite and you’ll not question whether you have received or not.
God speaks to us in many ways but He’ll always make sure we know its Him when He wants to talk to us about something. Sometimes He uses people and other times it can be in form of a dream, a vision or even just conviction at one’s heart.
I know that after this message, people may send a list of sins and ask whether they have to confess of them or not to other people but I want to encourage us all to ask God and have a personal relationship with Him through spending time in His presence and work and then we’ll recognise Him when He wants to put a message across to us. This is because being corrected by the Holy Spirit is throughout someone’s life time and one can’t depend on another person to always tell them what is wrong and right. We need to depend on God for that.
So in this vision I saw that Satan has made many Christians feel as if they are doomed to hell because they have sins that the Lord has convicted them to confess to the person they wronged,but they are too terrified to do so.
Satan has attacked them with the spirit of fear. He always terrifies them that “Such a secret is something you need to die with,you just have no idea what will happen when you confess that!”
Because of that, Ive seen that Satan has been oppressing them and telling them that they’re doomed to hell because even if they pray and work for God fervently, they have that one sin for which they’ll never gather the courage to confess to the person.
I saw one man in particular and he had the sin of adultery. He had committed his sin during a time when he was spiritually weak and had not been praying as much as he was supposed to. I saw that this man later got revived and was truly repentant for his sin.
However, the Holy Spirit had convicted him that he needed to confess of this sin of adultery to his wife because that sin was also a transgression to his wife. He had sinned towards God and towards his wife.
Genesis 2:24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become ONE FLESH.”
Now I saw that this Christian had been inflicted with the spirit of fear from Satan and he was afraid of confessing for fear of the reaction from the wife. I saw him so terrified to the point that his body was drenched in sweat.
He was praying, evangelising, tithing and doing everything else but he had this one sin of adultery that he was too terrified to confess of. I saw that Satan made him feel like the race to heaven was over for him because he would not be able to confess.
I saw a huge tree which looked age old and its roots were even protruding from the ground. It looked well established and like it had been there for years and had gained its ground.
I understood that this is how Satan had made this man see the confession of his adultery, it was like this giant tree. He thought it an impossibility to confess.
I saw that the man was deeply distressed and was on his knees praying to God for help.
Then something unexpected happened! I saw the tree suddenly being slashed and the trunk of the tree fell down.
This was not something that I excepted to happen because I really thought there was no way out of his situation.
When the trunk fell down,it did not make a thunderous noise like I had expected, but it sounded like a hallow tree. It sounded empty inside as if it had been eaten by termites, yet it had looked so strong and intimidating from the outside.
Then I understood that Satan had made it seem strong and magnificent but in reality,it was hollow.
In short,its intimidating appearance was a deception! Satan had been deceiving this man to feel as if confessing was such an impossible task but as the man had been praying, God cut down that tree and exposed that it was only indeed a hollow shell and not what it was seeming to be. All things are possible with God. Just pray and He’ll help you get out of your situation which seems impossible.
The cutting down of the tree may mean that God gave the Christian the courage he needed to confess.
Don’t let Satan deceive you. Cry out to God and He will save you.
I saw that there was a hole on the tree stump that remained and there was water in the hole. Then I saw that all kinds of creatures such as chameleons and snakes were coming out of that place and I understood that those were demons which had made their home in the hole. Satan had been deceiving this man and demons were even comfortable, resting assured that this man already belongs to them due to the strong deception they had made him feel that he’ll never be able to confess. However now that God had cut down that tree and exposed their lies,they were running,scampering in different directions.
Then I saw an Angel who appeared like a normal man dressed in a robe and sandals but I knew that he was an Angel as that knowledge just came to me. He lifted off the tree stump that had remained and evened the ground where the tree had stood with his foot. As I looked, I saw the place where the tree had stood was cleared as if there had been nothing there. It was just empty ground and the place looked the same like there had even been no tree there. Then he folded the tree stump as if a scroll and left the place.
Know today that we serve the God who can move mountains. When the bible says nothing is impossible with God,we should know that it means just that, NOTHING at all.
Satan is always try to deceive people to hell through his deception but we thank God who keeps exposing him.
1 Thessalonians 5:9 “For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
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