God showed my husband this revelation some days ago.
It happened while he slept and he just found himself in the spirit and he knew that his body was left behind on earth.
What he noticed was that his senses where more alive than when he was in his body and he was wondering what had happened to him,but as he stood where he was,he suddenly saw the way to heaven.
He said the road started from Calvary.
He saw the cross of Jesus at Calvary, and a very beautiful road started right there at Calvary, and it was like a stairway that ascended up into heaven.
It immediately became clear to him why Jesus said,"I am the Way,The Truth,and The Life"(John 14:6) and that it was impossible for anyone outside of Jesus to go to heaven because the road started at Calvary where Jesus died.
The road was beautiful beyond description of human words,it was so beautiful just to look at.
It was made of glorious light and gold.
The road was made of countless stairs,beginning at Calvary and ascending all the way.
The stairs were made of the word of God.
On each step,a verse from the bible was written there,all the books of the bible were inscribed on the stairs,going all the way up.
The books of the bible, made the staircase going to heaven.
As he went up the stairs,he noticed that the staircase leading to heaven was on a very beautiful mountain.
When he saw this,he remembered how the bible refers to heaven as "Mount Zion."
Hebrews 12:22" But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God,the heavenly Jerusalem, to an innumerable company of angels."
He saw what looked like a string made of light, coming from the top of the mountain where the celestial city, connecting to people on earth.
He saw that these strings of light were numerous in number and each person on earth had a string connecting to them from heaven.
He then understood that these strings represented God's invitation to each and every human being on earth for them to come to heaven.He understood that God's desire is for each and every person to go to heaven and therefore,
He has invited every person who has ever been born on earth to go to heaven when they die.
He also understood that this string of light,which was God's invitation had a power to pull a person up,toward the heavenly city.
God's invitation pulls us towards the heavenly city and in the physical this manifests as a desire to be right with God.
Despite this invitation, each person is free to act on this pull or to ignore it.
When he reached the top of the stairs, he saw a huge gate at the entrance to the heavenly city,and many people were standing at the gate waiting to be ushered in.
When he saw these people, he knew that these people had just died on earth.
He even had a conversation with one of them about how unreal death really is because a human being doesn't actually die,they just go to another realm and have no connection whatsoever to that body left on earth.
He said this man he met at the gate was telling him of how he had died,and that his relatives had made a fancy and expensive tombstone for his grave.
The man told him that all that was a waste because his family were doing that thinking that what they were doing to his body,they were doing it for him and yet he was not there.
The man was saying, "look,they think am dead and they are bothering to do all that for my body and yet am not dead,am alive and whatever they do has nothing to do with me,am not in that grave,am here."
Him and the man started talking about how funny it was that people could think they are dead and yet they were here in this place, and could see,touch,smell,and even talk.
All this time,angels were checking for people's names in the book of life.
There was a queue and when each person reached the front,someone was stationed at the gate,checking if their names were written in the book of life.
Those whose names were written, were ushered in.
But he said other people who were at the gates found their names not written in the book of life and they were turned away.
This made people in the queue to be anxious about whether or not their names were written in the book of life.
The reasons people could not be allowed to enter was because of unrepented sin they had died with.
He knew that all these people who were at the gate were Christians on earth and that's why they had climbed the staircase all the way to the gates of heaven,but because of sin which they had ignored in their life,their names were not in the book of life despite them having been Christians on earth.
Because they were now in the spiritual realm,and no longer had the feelings they had in their physical body,these people could now see how insignificant all the things that hindered them from entering heaven were.
He said it was clear to him and everyone else that nothing on earth was worth missing heaven for.
One person at the gate was turned away for unforgiveness.
Someone in this man's lifetime had offended him and he had found it extremely difficult to forgive.
But now,at the gate of heaven, this man knew it hadn't been worth it to hold a grudge because now he would miss heaven not for something considered "a big sin" but for this one thing;unforgiveness!
The man was in regret and kept thinking to himself, "it wasn't worth it.I should have forgiven that person, even if I felt I wasn't the one in the wrong, I should have made peace. Am going to miss heaven just because of this, I was so foolish not to forgive."
Matthew 6:15,"But if you do not forgive men their trespasses,neither will your Father forgive your trespasses."
Anyone whose name was not written was not allowed in.
The vision ended and he found himself back in bed.
Ladies and gentlemen, my brothers and sisters,salvation begins at Calvary where Jesus died for you.
No matter how good you are,if you have not accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you can never enter heaven.
If you have not accepted Jesus you can't even climb the steps of God's word because the road starts from what Jesus did for you.These people at the gate had accepted what Jesus did for them and climbed up the staircase of God's word but some could still not enter heaven because they allowed their robes to be stained by things they took for granted.
God is so loving, He wants everyone to be saved,but at the same time,God is so holy,even if you leave just one stain on your robe,you can't enter that holy place.
Don't take sin for granted,sin is sin.Now we have time to repent, we must search our hearts and see if we are still holding on to sin.
Jesus paid the price on Calvary, FOR YOU TO BE FORGIVEN OF EVERY SIN WHEN YOU REPENT,not for you to continue living in your sin,and die in sin and go to heaven just because you had professed Christ in you lifetime.
Ladies and gentlemen, Jesus Christ DID NOT die in order for you to just confess Him with your mouth and then continue living in sin.
"But why do you call Me,'Lord,Lord' and do not do what I say?" Luke 6:46
Jesus Christ died so that when you repent,your sins will be forgiven.He died to buy your forgiveness.
This forgiveness is only for those who accept Jesus and REPENT(forsake and turn away from their sin).
There is a false 'gospel' from the pits of hell that teaches that anyone who has accepted Jesus though living in sin will be saved This is a lie from lucifer.
Repentance is a must,we can't just accept Jesus and continue living in sin.
Just because Jesus died for me doesn't mean I can confess Christ with my lips,then continue in fornication,drunkenness, or dressing indecently and I will go to heaven because the blood of Jesus covers my sin.
The blood of Jesus only covers the sins of the person who accepts Jesus and TURNS from their sin,not deliberately continue.
Jesus isn't expecting the people He forgives to continue in their sin.
The woman caught in adultery in John 8:1-11,after Jesus forgave her,what did He say to her?He said,"go and SIN NO MORE"(verse 11)
That's what He's expecting from every person who comes to Him.
What salvation by grace which the bible talks about really means is that while we were still sinners,completely undeserving of His sacrifice, Jesus came and died for us,as undeserving and as wretched as we were.That's His grace.We die not deserve Him dying for us.
And when we accept Him as our Lord,He freely forgives all our sin,that's grace.
But does He expect us to continue in sin?NO!He says go and sin no more.
The bible says in Hebrews 10:26-29 says"for if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth,there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins,but a certain fearful expectation of judgement and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.
Anyone who trampled on Moses'law dies without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.
Of how much more punishment, do you suppose,will he be thought worthy who has trampled the Son of God underfoot, counted the blood of the covenant by which he was sanctified a common thing,and insulted the Spirit of grace? "
Once we accept Jesus,our lives must change,we no longer live in sin.
James 3:6" whoever abides in Him(Christ) does not sin."
We must bear fruits of repentance.
Our obedience to God isn't because we are trying to earn our way into heaven, Jesus' blood has already made that way.Our obedience to God is actually fruit of our repentance. It is proof that we have accepted Jesus. Because Jesus is holy if we have accepted Him,we too must be holy No unrighteousness will enter heaven because the presence of that sin in your life is simply proof that you had rejected Jesus and you had rejected His word!
John 12:48 "he who rejects Me,and does not receive My words has one that judges him-the words that I have spoken will judge him in the last day."
Jesus is willing to forgive us of our sins without limit,He died that we might be forgiven, but if we continue living in sin thinking the blood of Jesus is a licence for us to sin,we will be shocked to realize the truth once we die.
Let's wash our robes so that Jesus Christ our groom finds us white as snow,washed in His precious blood.
Remember that we depend on Jesus to overcome so we must stay in fellowship with Him everyday and ask for His help.
Do not love the world but love the Lord your God with all your heart.
Continue reading on GLOFIRE https://glofire.org/vision-of-the-celestial-city/
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