Many people think "if I miss the rapture,I can just refuse to get the mark of the beast in the tribulation,its that simple." But the bible says it will be a time of great suffering like there has never been since the creation of the world and as it will never be again.In short it will be the time of greatest suffering in the history of creation.
Matthew 24:21.
During that time,a brother will betray a brother and have them put to death.A Father will betray their child.Children will betray their parents and have them killed. Matthew 10:21. It will be so bad that people will only care about themselves.
In history,people have been thrown in dens of hungry Lions,thrown in drums of boiling oil,thrown in furnaces,burnt alive,stoned to death,cut in half etc for the sake of Christ.Yet the bible says the kind of suffering will be the first of its kind.Its even unimaginable.
The bible says “They shall seek death, but death shall flee from humanity.”(Revelations 9:6)
Quote from Rachael Mushala about the tribulation.
"It is already at the door My child.I tell you that time of sorrow will soon be here.Be prepared for My coming.Do not be left behind.Let no one be left behind.Let them all prepare for My coming.For it will be a time of great suffering,people's skin being peeled off unless they deny Me,nails being pierced into the flesh whose skin was peeled…..pouring acid on human beings just for My name's sake.My child,at that time each will care only for their own soul,so much suffering,parents eating their children's flesh,unimaginable suffering My child.That is the price of denying Me.But Iam coming for My holy people."
The bible says he who gets the mark of the beast has no chance of salvation.
Revelation 14:11 "And the smoke of their torment will rise for ever and ever. There will be no rest day or night for those who worship the beast and its image, or for anyone who receives the mark of its name."
What the Lord showed me (Zipporah Mushala) about the tribulation was shocking.I saw those who refused to receive the mark of the beast put in places like concentration camps in cells.Men and women all together.The cells were filthy because they used to ease themselves from the same cells and yet sleep there.They were Sickly thin.People got so hungry that they began to eat that same human waste.
Those who were pregnant began to abort their babies and eat them. When Rapture happens,babies including unborn ones will be ruptured but these women got pregnant after the Rapture.It was terrible,people were eating parts of their bodies just to survive.I also saw demons come from hell onto the earth and they were not hiding anymore.This is not all but there are many other things which can not be said at once.
Right now,the Lord is restraining the evil from doing whatever they want.Yet the world is in so much chaos.During the tribulation,the Lord will remove his hand that is preventing them and will withdraw his Holy Spirit from the earth. 2 Thes 2:7.
One who will not be Raptured for any reason will have to overcome the Tribulation without the help of the Holy Spirit.By Flesh.Yet the Lord is giving us a chance to obey him now with his help and we are at peace.No one is asking us to receive any mark.
What will you choose?
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