In a vision of the night,the Lord transported my Spirit out of sleep to one of the famous market places in my country. He was showing me what goes on as we lay asleep.
I saw a lot of demons with clothes already packaged in different types of plastic bags ready for sale. They had made the clothes and were having them released to the shops and market places for sale. There were a lot of demonic spells in the clothes sent to work on people. In the vision,I saw a girl buying a skirt. When she reached home,she suddenly felt an urge to wear it a bit higher than usual to make it short. The spells were working on her.
I saw her looking proudly at her short skirt thinking that she was looking nice. When she walked on the road,men kept looking lustfully at her and the spells in the clothes kept giving her sexual urges. Then I saw her fornicating with different men and she did not feel sexually satisfied. The spells kept driving her into more and more sin. When I passed by that place in real life,I was shocked to see that the clothes being sold there were the ones I had seen in the revelation. These same clothes made by the demons were being sold in practically almost every shop and market stand. Whichever shop or market stand I looked at,I at least saw something I had seen in the vision being sold there. These clothes made by demons are not just at that place but all over the world. The Lord was just showing that place as an example. That is how far the pollution of the devil has gone.
Not everything is made in the underworld but even for those not made from there,the devil makes sure to pollute them. The Lord showed me demons. I saw them going into shopping malls,shopping places and markets. They were moving in the spirit and so no one could see them. I saw them touching the goods to make sure they are polluted. They were touching even. the grains of beans on the market!
Let us EARNESTLY pray for the things we buy so that they may be purified. The devil has polluted the majority of the things such that no matter what,some of the things you use are from the satanic Kingdom. The Solution is prayer. Not lazy prayer but fervent prayer. Pray always and keep an everyday relationship with the Lord. However,I must say that unholy things forbidden by the Lord such as artificial hair,make up,secular movies,indecent clothes etc can NEVER be purified .Not even with a 40 day Fasting. You have to give them up. The Lord does not bless or purify what he has cursed. Those are accursed items!
These were words given to me by the Lord during my second encounter of Hell. The Lord said, “It is a disgusting sight when I see women, even young adolescents making cleavages. They just love to expose their bodies. They are possessed with the spirit of nakedness. They just can’t dress up but they have to expose their legs in short skirts and bodies in trousers and tight clothes. Tell them to repent, because if they don’t they will go to the centre of hell where there is the horror of horrors, as they have heard this warning. Tell them to respect My temple because they did not create themselves but I the Lord of Lords did!” He screamed this in anger with a clenched fist and tears trickling down his holy white garments.
He said,“The devil has not only possessed women but the men too. They wear a pair of trousers and drag it down and they think it is cool (Sagging). The men plait their hair and also make all sorts of lines in their heads with shaving machines when they shave it (shades in the hair). Their portion is the section with pits in hell if they do not repent. However if they hear this warning and do not repent, they’ll regret the day they were born in the centre of hell. As if that is not enough; they bounce about like balls with pride .The women also develop pride because of their clothes and treat others like dirt. These days, most people no longer even go to church to worship but to interact, show off their clothes and find what they like to call ‘love’ from those of the opposite sex. Tell them am waiting for them to repent with real undying love and I’ll never turn them away.”
In Ephesians 6:10-18, We have been given the weapons to defeat the devil so pick up your armour. Soldiers never rest in the middle of an intense battle. Now that you know the truth,pray without ceasing for your salvation and for that of those who are still lost.
The devil tries to destroy your prayer life because he know your prayers will destroy him.
John 8:32 "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
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