We need to pray against the spirit of stone hearts.In a vision of the Lord,I saw an evil spirit asigned to change people's hearts,stealing the heart that loves God and replacing them with a stone!It kept running from one person to another and aimed at those people who are destroying the kingdom of darkness and love prayer and preach the truth.Whenever it did this to a person,that person's love for God simply faded away and the person found themselves really stuck in sin in a way they never even thought they could fall that deep . The person changed completely and in some cases even began to resent the things of God,the very things he once loved.He became a totally different person because of that heart.I also saw the spirit of a snake and it would attack children of God by sucking out their breath till they suffocate and dry out.When this happens,their prayer life will be history and they won't even understand how they ended up that way.They simply dried out slowly.Lets pray against these two spirits and set free all the people they have already afflicted.
We need to pray against the spirit of stone hearts.In a vision of the Lord,I saw an evil spirit asigned to change people's hearts,stealing the heart that loves God and replacing them with a stone
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— March 12, 2016
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