When people are struggling with sin,satan usually lies to them that since they are so stuck in this sin,they need to stay far away from God till a day comes when they have overcome the sin by their own power,then they can come to Jesus.
This is a lie because Satan knows that for as long as you stay far from Jesus,you will only get deeper into sin and even your desire to be right with God will vanish.
Jesus came to seek and save the lost(Luke 19:10)
If you are so stuck in sin,don't wait for a day you will be good enough before coming to Jesus, that day will never come and you will endup dying in your sin.
You need to admit your need for a Savior from your sin and call upon Jesus Christ to help you abandon your sin.He will because He's faithful.
It is possible to get free from sin,but it only happens when you come to Jesus.
"Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God." 1John 3:9
The day of The Lord is fast approaching.
Don't continue carrying heavy load of sin when Jesus can set you free.
He can break all manner of bondage for nothing is impossible with Him.
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