When we had the first encounter with Jesus,it happened at the time my sister Zipporah Mushala was just about to start her first year in University.
And when she was in University,she continued to faithfully honour God, remaining obedient
despite so much pressure from peers to become ungodly and fit in.
My sister overcame and putting God first.
I remember my sister would be engaged in prayer and fasting even during periods of crucial examination.
She told me she didn’t want the pressure of exams to affect her spiritual life,and she would fast and still spend time with God but also study.
As a result,God honoured her faithfulness and she greatly excelled in school.
Sometimes God would show her which topics to focus on when studying and yes,the exam questions would be based on those topics and she would be well prepared!
She always put God first even when situations were unfavourable due to school pressure and God showed His faithfulness till she graduated with outstanding grades.
Now at her work,she continued to honour the Lord by continuing to persistently seek Him in all things and remaining faithful to Him even when the situation is unfavourable.
Even when satan tried to use people to discourage her saying she needed to dress in ways that are ungodly and do artificial hair and makeup because she has to be on TV,she chose to remain faithful to the Lord.
Her work has been extremely stressful but it has never made her start making excuses for seeking God.
She has consistently continued to put Him first always and God has honoured that and given her excellence in her work and yesterday she got an award as BEST TELEVISION JOURNALIST reporting on social protection!
God favoured her and gave her excellence because she has always put Him first,and He made her stand work stand out.
I have seen God do the same for me too ever since I encountered the Lord and put Him first in all things.He favoured me before my superiors at work even when others would complain about our superiors, and God also helped me with academic work.
Condemning someone for good performance isn’t being a brother’s keeper,it just shows the RELIGIOUS SPIRIT that fails to see God’s goodness and faithfulness that causes His children to be favoured when they honour Him.Instead the religious spirit makes people believe that God’s children must only experience bad things and when a child of God experiences anything good they want to find a way to snuff out that happiness, being quick to accuse them of being ungodly BECAUSE THEY EXCELLED!
Poor grades or bad work performance don’t make anyone a better Christian, your life and relationship with God is what makes you a Christian.
Personally I have seen the Holyspirit give people favor and excellence in many things when they honoured God.
Sharing about an award my sister Zipporah Mushala got at her work made me realize how much RELIGIOUS SPIRITS have deceived people into thinking that being a Christian is about having bad grades at school or poor performance at work and any success is frowned on by such people because they do not realize that the Holyspirit is able to give you excellence.
They don’t realize how God can give His children favour in all that they do like He did for Joseph, making him favoured and helping him excel even when taken to Egypt and even when taken to jail.
Or how God did the same for Daniel and his friends and made them outstanding in their work when they honoured Him.
God does show His faithfulness when we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.
There’s a time for everything,now is the time of rejoicing at God’s goodness and faithfulness.
Congratulations ❣️ Zipporah Mushala!
May God continue to give you favour and excellence in all you do!
When we had the first encounter with Jesus,it happened at the time my sister Zipporah Mushala was just about to start her first year in University….
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— October 1, 2022
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