"My judgement will fall on all those comforting my people on their way to hell,"says the Lord,"non of them will escape ".
Crusades,conferences,prayer meetings are held through out the year all over the world but why is it that hell still keeps being populated by the same people attending these conferences and meetings?
Why is it that the people filling the churches Are the people filling hell?
Why are so few entering heaven and many still falling into the eternal fire of hell right from the church pew?
Jesus keeps weeping for their souls yet all you do is keep telling them how God will bless them.You can't tell them to repent,to fear and love the Lord and live in righteousness.
How is it that a preacher can spend the whole year preaching only about the earthly blessings without ever telling the people the way of salvation When those very people are On their way running to hell ?
Why don't you take time and listen to the heart of Jesus?
He is weeping for His people being soothed by sweet words on their way to hell.
Why do You comfort God's people on their way to destruction?
Do you know hell is eternal?
The Lord is a devouring fire.It's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
Do not scatter with the enemy,gather with Jesus.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— May 12, 2016
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