The Lord asked me to stress the messages below.When my sister Rachel and I were praying last night,we were shocked at the attack we received from the devil.This was after exposing the demons in human form as well as other tricks of the devil.Beloved we are in a great war and we are against countless enemies.The Lord allowed us to experience something shocking.When we were praying at around 10 pm,suddenly we were surrounded by demons of all shapes colours and sizes.They were in their billions upon billions and they were screaming as if in a battle front against us.But at the name of Jesus,they all fled.Never make it to hell brethren because they will torture you more than you have ever imagined.The demons have put their evil spells to make you sin and take to the flames of hell through the things I have written below. The Lord instructed me to reinforce this message.Escape hell now!
Dolls, Cartoons and Secular TV
I saw a baby pram (stroller) with a lot of teddy bears. There were demons inside them. These demons were happy and mocking humans. They were saying, “Look just how easy it is for us to have access to human beings. The baby who will have this pram will be our toy.” And they all laughed loudly giving each other a high-five. The Lord also let me hear George in the cartoon Curious George. He was talking sweetly and innocently in the cartoon but would laugh loudly and sarcastically in the back ground at the people he was deceiving.
[Editor's Note on December 13, 2014: Last month, Zipporah stated: "In a separate vision, the Lord Jesus Christ showed me a satanic cartoon called "Monsters University." Previously, the Lord has shown us about how satan brings demons to children through satanic cartoons. He showed me this cartoon as one of them. It was made for a satanic purpose and there are demons that look like characters from this cartoon. I didn't know this cartoon existed, and it was only after this vision that I googled it and found it!"]
The Lord has several times warned against secular TV. He said that even if one was watching Christian TV, they should ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit as the devil is a deceiver. “You may not even be aware, but when you watch secular TV, your souls is in the hands of demons, and they do as they wish.” The Lord also showed me that some demons are also turned into clothes. They may look like normal clothes in the physical, but are something else in the spirit.
However, we should not be intimidated that demons have polluted so many things. We should just pray and they will be purified as God has got power over the devil. Just pray. Jesus also forbade the buying of clothes with evil drawings (e.g., drawings of skulls, skeletons, evil cartoons etc.). He also forbade clothes with seductive or any other unholy drawings. The Lord also revealed that sometimes, a substance to make people resist fasting is put in food.
Jesus told us there are many things used on earth that are actually made in the satanic kingdom and meant to cause demonic possession and control. He told us there are so many things, including food, drinks, clothes, (satan has infiltrated everywhere. That is why Christians should now rise up in prayer) have demons assigned to possess people and influence them to sin. That is why it is important to pray and commit whatever we buy into the hands of God, and destroy the satanic powers it may come with.
He told us that television is one of his biggest baits to trap people to hell. The Lord said, “Those programs shown on TV are not meant to entertain you, but to take you to hell. Many are in hell because of TV. Many movies are written by satan and acted by his agents, just to trap people to hell. It breaks My heart to see how humanity falls for it. Do not watch secular TV. It will take you to hell.” He said, “It's satan’s bait to lead you to sin, to destroy your soul. You have to crucify the flesh. Do not obey the desires of your flesh. Obey the Holy Spirit.”
The Lord showed us demons that looked like cartoon characters; some even looked like characters from some Christian cartoons! This shocked us but the Lord told us it’s not all “Christian” programs that are really Christian. Many are just a disguise and the “Christian” label is meant to just trap Christians into watching them when they are actually meant to promote sin and lead people to hell.
The Lord showed us many movies, books, and even children’s cartoons that are written by satan and brought to earth by his agents. The names of demonic cartoons and dolls that He revealed to us are Mudpit, Barbie®, Scooby Doo®, Ben 10®, Avatar, Pixel pinkie®, and the Walt Disney® versions of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, and the Little Mermaid. The Lord said all these cartoons have demons assigned to possess children. Jesus said to me, "Can you see how cruel satan is? He wants to trap even children to hell." I also saw a demon that looked like a character from a Christian cartoon about Moses produced by Nest Entertainment® (see Author's footnote). The demon looked like the baby Moses from this animated movie, and it was laughing, saying it had deceived Christians! I also saw a demon that looked like Aang from the Avatar cartoon! We had many of these cartoons at home and Jesus instructed us to burn them.
Jesus said all the cartoons I have listed here were drawn in demons’ images (i.e., there are demons that look exactly like them), but I want to clarify that Jesus only showed me some and not all of them. Aside from the cartoon demons I saw, which I have mentioned specifically, Jesus didn’t show me the other cartoons. He only mentioned them, saying they are demonic.
I’d also like to mention that I not only saw the demons that look like Barbie® cartoons, but I also saw Barbie® dolls. In fact, I saw the Barbie® dolls in many visions at different times. In one vision, I saw a several things displayed for sale on a stand, including Barbie® dolls. One of the dolls turned to face me, and began saying mockingly that they (demons) have deceived humanity. And the next moment it just froze and looked like a normal plastic doll!
Jesus said even some children's books have demons assigned to them. He mentioned a specific children's book called "Rattlesnake." We have never seen or read this particular book Jesus was talking about, but He said this children's book is from hell. This is true of even some so-called Christian books. Jesus revealed to us that even the "Watchtower and Awake” magazines, produced by Jehovah's Witnesses, are demonic and He doesn’t want His children reading them. The Lord revealed some secular magazines to avoid, as well. Some of them are "Drum” magazine,” “You” magazine, and “People” magazine.
Jesus told us that these all have a mission of taking people to hell, not entertaining them. He said, "The world has become a dark place and that’s why I want you to be led by the spirit in everything you do." He told us, “These books, movies, soap operas, and cartoons are not meant to entertain you, but to take you to hell. They are satan’s bait. Do not fall for it."
The Lord told us satan even assigns demons to children's stickers, as well. These are cartoon and other stickers like Hannah Montana and Barbie® stickers.
He told us secular music will also lead you to hell, and it’s also a trap from satan.
By Mushala sisters
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