The Lord said,"Iam coming soon, and My coming will be like a thief in the
night, so I will know who is truly Mine. People no longer pay
attention when someone tells them that I am coming, because I
have taken long. My coming will no longer be delayed. I am coming
sooner than you think, but the question is, will you be ready?
Because I am only coming for a holy people, and if you live holy
lives I will take you with Me. I am only coming for those living a
holy life. Many Christians will not be ready when I come, and they
will be left behind.”
He said, “Right now the door is open but it will soon be closed.
Enter before the door is closed. I am waiting for you (humanity)
with open loving arms.”
He said, “I gave my life for you, for humanity because of My love for
you. You do not know just how glorious heaven is. Your human
minds are too small to comprehend it. But I gave up glorious
heaven to walk on this filthy sinful earth just to save you, to die for
you. You don't know how much I suffered for you. It was worse
than you see on TV — worse than they show it in any movie. That’s
how much I love you. I gave up everything for you. Do you love Me
that much, too? Are you willing to sacrifice everything for Me?
Because that’s how great My love for you is. I gave up everything
for you. You don’t know how much pain you cause Me when you
walk away from Me. If you did, you wouldn’t do it.”
You could tell there was this pain He felt in his heart when He said
this, and I could feel Jesus’ pain.
The Lord told us there were things we had to give up for His sake.
He told us we had to give up the world and live for His glory . He
said, “You have to be separate, because you are the light of the
world. How can light be called light, if it is like the darkness? You
have to be different in order to be a light to the world.”
Apostasy and False Prophets
The Lord Jesus said, “Apostasy has gone out into the world. Many
false prophets have gone out into the world teaching doctrines
from hell and leading many souls to hell. You must be careful and
not follow miracles. Didn’t I warn you in My Word that these false
prophets would come? And now they are here, preaching only
about prosperity and never condemning sin. All preachers talk
about now is prosperity and money, but what is money if your soul
burns in hell? Didn’t I say to sell all you have and give the money to
the poor and then follow Me? Money is the root of all evil. Don’t be
allured by it. It is what has allured many preachers. All they care
about is filling their pockets and filling their churches, but they never
preach repentance. I know that while you are on earth you are
going to need money, and I will provide you with just enough. The
rest of your treasures will be in heaven, safe. All the riches you long
for will be stored up in heaven where moths cannot destroy. This
earth is going to be destroyed with fire, and nothing will be left
He said, “My heart aches at all the souls being led to hell by false
prophets. They are the majority; very few pastors preach My Word.
Very few preach repentance. It doesn’t matter if they have many
followers or they perform miracles. Even satan can perform
miracles. Do not follow miracles. That is why I said in My Word that
many will come to Me on the last day and say, "We performed
miracles in Your name," but I will reply, “I do not know you.”
I ve re shared this important msg from my first testimony.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— January 13, 2016
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