THE PERSONALITY OF JESUS; His great love for humanity
John 6:37 “All those the Father gives Me will come to Me, and whoever comes to Me,I will by no means cast out.”
Often, we do not really know or understand the personality of God, and satan takes advantage of that to fill us with so many ideas which are completely the opposite of who God really is.
Two days ago, I was waiting on the Lord after finishing my prayer when He said to Me, ”I do not “Use” people, (Using in the sense of using someone for your own advantage without really caring about them) I love them and I save them. Haven’t I been faithful to you?”
I replied, ”yes, Lord.”
Then He said, “Be faithful to Me, and I will redeem you.”
The Lord was addressing my innermost thoughts.
There were times I had thought,” What if I don’t make it to heaven in the end?Am I really going to make it?What if in the end after I die I just discover that there was still some way I wasn’t right with God?”
The Lord made it clear to me that those were thoughts from Satan, the father of lies, who tries to discourage us in our walk with God,and that he had been attacking many of God’s children like that.
When the Lord unmasked satan’s lie,he fled because he couldn’t stand the powerful light of God’s truth.
The Lord began to teach Me about His personality,how loving He is, and why we need to trust Him and just surrender our all.
Luke 18:28-30" Then Peter said, Lo, we have left all, and followed thee.And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or parents, or brethren, or wife, or children, for the kingdom of God's sake,Who shall not receive manifold more in this present time, and in the world to come life everlasting."
You will only go to hell if you reject God.If you reject His word.But if you do not harden your heart when you receive His correction but instead turn to Him in repentance ,He will save you.
I am not perfected, am still striving to walk the narrow way. God is still teaching me so many things, and He corrects me about so many things.
The bible says He corrects those He loves.What matters is our attitude towards His correction.
Jesus was telling me to be faithful. If am unfaithful to Him, as much as He desires to save me,He can’t.
However,Jesus wants us to know that His desire is for us.His love for us burns with eternal flames that can never be quenched. And he really wants to save us!
He told Me, ”He who comes to Me, I will by no means cast out. This is the truth.” (John 6:37)
His desire is to save mankind. God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it. (John 3:17)
We are not forcing God to save us.We are not forcing Him to take us to heaven.He wants us to go to heaven more than we even do.
In Mark 6:31-44 so many people were coming to Jesus such that He and His disciples couldn’t even eat,He decided to go to a desert place privately so that they rest for a while,but people found out and they followed them there.
When Jesus came out and found so many people,He didn’t turn them away so that He could rest.
He was moved with so much compassion and He began to teach them instead, and even fed them.
He will never turn away anyone who comes to Him no matter what. His love for us is too great. He is a good God.
Jesus is the good shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep to go after one lost sheep. And when He has found it He rejoices over that one lost sheep that has now been found than over the 99 that were never lost in the first place.(Luke 15:4-7)
He isn’t satisfied that in heaven He’s got Moses, David, and all the biblical prophets who made it there. He still greatly wants you there!
He isn’t satisfied that that person who is currently walking with God is going to make it to heaven,He still wants you who is still in the world.He still wants you who is still chasing after the things of the world.His desire burns with love for you.The King of Kings desires you!
And He will leave the 99 to go after you,His one lost sheep,doing all to save you,but He cannot force you to accept His love.He just waits for you to accept His. And if you do,He will rejoice over your salvation than over the 99 who were never lost!
Jesus is like the woman who has 10 coins and loses one,and sweeps up the entire house just to find that one lost coin despite still having 9.
And when she finds that one lost coin,she rejoices over it than over the 9 that were never lost.
Jesus was telling us the story of the prodigal son to make us understand the depth of His love for us.(Luke 15:11-32)
After spending all his fortune on harlots,the prodigal son saw himself unfit to ever be called a son of his father,and so he decided to return as a servant.
But while he was on his way home,his father saw him a distance away and ran out to meet him.He didn’t sit still and wait for him to reach home.He had compassion,ran and fell on his neck,and kissed him.
God just waits for us to make the first step to turn to Him,and He runs out to meet us!He gladly receives us no matter what we have done.He is overjoyed and as soon as he sees us coming to Him,He runs out to receive us to Himself.He does not cast us away.
The son said to his father,”I ve sinned against heaven and against you and am unworthy to be called your son.”
But his father wouldn’t hear that. Instead he instructed his servants to bring the best robe and put it on him, and to put a ring on his finger, and shoes on his feet!
In ancient times, Kings and rulers wore rings of authority which they even used as a seal.
And only someone given authority would wear the ring. e.g Joseph when he was made ruler in Genesis41:42.
So despite the prodigal son wanting to only come back as a servant,his father restored to him the power and authority of a son!
He didn’t demote him, but instead gave him back his authority as a son, and even made a party for him!
This is an exact picture of God’s love and attitude towards us.
He is ready to receive us.He is just waiting for us to turn to Him and will save us.
In Matthew 22:1-14 and Luke 14:15-24 Jesus tells us just how willing He is for us to go to heaven, and how the ultimate decision is up to us!
He talks about a king who prepared a supper,but when that supper was ready,all his guests took his invitation lightly and instead got so busy with many things and would not come.
One went to his farm,another to his merchandise,another was too busy with his newly married wife, others even killed the messengers the king had sent.
The Lord was angry and instead destroyed those wicked people who had killed his servants.
Then he said,”the banquet is ready but those who were invited were not worthy."
He instructed the servants to bring in the people who were looked down on to the banquet; the lame, blind, maimed.
And the servant returned saying, ”We have brought in all those people you told us too,but still there's room.”(Luke 14:22)
And the King told the servants to go out into all the streets and bring in anyone who will come.
Heaven isn’t full. There’s room for anyone who will come.
We are not forcing our way to heaven, there’s enough room for everyone.
That’s why Jesus said in My Father’s house are many mansions. (John 14:2)
There is enough room in heaven for any person willing to come, and it is your Father’s desire to have you there. But the ultimate decision lies with you. Will you take his invitation lightly and be too busy with family, work, friends, money, and leisure such that you cannot come?
If you decide not to take His invitation lightly,you must put on the right garment!
The parable goes on to say,after the invitation went out to any person who was willing to come, the banquet was filled with many people.
But the King noticed one person who did not wear a wedding garment. And He was surprised and asked him how he had found himself in because garments had been given to everyone came in through the right entrance.
That guest who did not have the wedding garment was bound and cast to outer darkness where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth.
It isn’t enough to desire to enter the Kingdom of God. We must use the correct entrance who is Jesus Christ,and we must put on the wedding garment, which must not have spot or wrinkle.
We must get rid of all the spots and wrinkles,so that we may attend the wedding.
Let us wash our robes in His blood.
Hebrews 12: 1 calls us to lay aside every weight, and the sin that easily besets us.
Ephesians 5;25-27”……….even as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it; that He might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that He might present it to Himself, a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
Revelations 22:14, “Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life.”
Jesus greatly loves you.His desire is for you to live with Him forever.But the decision is yours.If you will come,you must wear the wedding garment.
You must count the cost of following Him, and see if it is really worth it for you.If you will not see need to turn back along the way.(Luke 14:28)
The cost is losing your life that you may find it later, the Prize is more than the human mind could comprehend. (1 Corinthians 2:9). The bible best describes it as a pearl that was worth selling everything for,just to be able to buy it.(Matthew 13-45-46).The Prize is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself(Genesis 15:1).
So count the cost. The Father is waiting to receive you with open arms.
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