In a vision of the night, I had an experience with the Lord Jesus.
Had I not come back to earth, I would not even have felt as if I do not exist because in the spiritual realm, I was feeling exactly like I feel on earth.
I was a complete human being with all senses intact. Nothing was missing.
I could see, I could smell, I could feel etc.
In the spiritual realm,you are a complete human being exactly like earth. Things on earth seem real to you because you are a physical being in a physical world. In the spiritual realm, things are just as real as they are on earth because you are a spiritual being in a spiritual realm.
The Lord took me to Heaven and I noticed a group of people standing just outside of Heaven.
I noticed that they could not enter Heaven until they were given a seal. There was something that looked like a stamp and these people would come one by one and be 'stamped' on their heads to be given this seal.
When they were being given the seal,it was producing a stamping sound,like for the physical stamps we have here on earth. It was as if they were being branded.
It then came to me that what they were receiving was the Holy Spirit.
Ephesians 4:30 "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were SEALED for the day of redemption."
After they were given this seal,a flame appeared on the middle of their heads just like it did in Acts 2:1-4 "When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place…then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them…"
The Lord Jesus then explained to me that these people were standing outside Heaven because you can not go to Heaven until you are baptised with the Holy Spirit. John 3:5 "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the SPIRIT, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."
These people were not dead but alive on earth but they were standing at Heaven's gate, waiting for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual realm. This is because these people were fervently asking for for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in prayer on earth. That is why in the spirit, they were standing outside Heaven's gate,waiting for an answer to this prayer.
In the same way, for someone who is living a lifestyle of sin and they are not willing to repent of it, they are walking on the road to Hell in the spiritual realm although they are alive on earth. They are not yet dead but in the spiritual realm, if the Lord allows you to see, you will see that they are walking on the road to Hell. Your spiritual status depends on your physical status.
The Holy Spirit is our Helper and Guide. You can not make it to Heaven without the baptism of the Holy Spirit because you would not be able to overcome. The Holy Spirit is the One who takes us back to the correct path when we are going astray and He is the One who convicts us of our sin so that we can repent. Without the Holy Spirit, you would not even have the desire to pray,to read the bible or to follow God. If you feel an urge to pray,that's the Holy Spirit telling you to pray. If you sin and you feel terrible about it, that's the Holy Spirit urging you to quickly repent so that you can get out of danger of going to Hell. The word of the Lord tells us that "It is not by power nor by might but by my Spirit says the Lord," Zechariah 4:6.
The baptism of the Holy Spirit is received by asking in prayer.
After seeing this, I was ushered into Heaven and I saw a large crowd of people singing joyfully, with EXPLODING happiness!
I have never heard such singing before!
Their singing was so beautiful, Glorious and unearthly that I found my feet carrying me to go and join them! It was impulsive and there was no time to think.
I ran with all my might to join this Glorious singing. The moment I joined the saints, I too immediately knew the song even though I had not previously known it and I joined them singing!
We were all holding on to each other swinging from side to side singing joyfully with radiating smiles that reached from ear to ear. There was untold joy in this place. It was as if your heart was dancing.
When I saw that everyone in this place had flames of fire on their heads, I wondered why I did not have any and then I felt a sensation of something moving on my head and then I realised that I actually had. I didn't just see it but I actually had.
The Lord knew my thoughts and when I was wondering why I didn't have a flame on my head, it moved so as to let me know that I had. The Lord is so amazing and awesome!
The Lord then took me to a place which looked like a normal market.
Everything at this market seemed normal and I could hear wielding sounds and sounds as if people were nailing wood,as if carpentry was being done. It sounded like and looked like a normal earthly market. I noticed meat being sold. Some of it was even being used to make sharwamas.
I supposed it to be normal meat but the Lord said, "This is human meat. This place is a human meat market."
There were a lot of demons in this place but most of them were disguised like humans. It looked as if it was people who were at this place but it was demons hiding in flesh that looks like ours for disguise. They were so busy working in this place.
During our first encounters with the Lord,the Lord told us that many demons make things such as desks,books,uniforms,phones etc and bring them to earth for humans to use.
They put demonic spells in them such as finding it hard to resist sin,lust,strife,anger etc. Physically,it will look like something has a traceable manufacturer but it is all just pretense. The real source of these things is in the spiritual realm from demons. That is why the Lord said we should pray for EVERYTHING we buy to destroy all demonic spells.
They cast spells on this meat as well in order to control people's lives and to make them sin in various ways possible.
They also want to make you eat human meat in order to get revenge on God. They hate God and they hate you His most prized creation. They want to make you defiled.
In the spiritual realm, there are places such as the Satanic under world where demonic spirits and human satanic agents operate from. This is where they even make artificial hair from the heads of demons, cast satanic spells on clothes etc. This world look just like the earth looks like. They have buildings,cars etc but they are in the spiritual realm.
The Lord showing this is not just for our own information but so that we can take action in prayer so that these spells will not have power over us.
After showing me the human meat market, the Lord walked and talked with me as with a very close friend. I held on to Him and He held on to me as if close friends trying to make the most of the time before parting.
We walked and talked and the Lord was talking in a very calm,kind and friendly way as if was my best friend.
He was not the angry God who is out to get you as demons portray it in many people's minds.
He was compassionate and you could feel that every word He is speaking is coming from the depth of His heart. Even when He tells you that He loves you,you could feel the love and you could feel that it was not just mere words.
When I talked about some of my concerns and fears, I could tell that He was understanding and He was offering solutions to my problems. 1 Peter 5:7 "Cast all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you."
I could also tell that He was really LISTENING to me and just hearing what I am saying. He looked very concerned. I told Him that I fear that I may not make it to Heaven in the end because it seems to be so hard to overcome and it seems there are so many things set as traps in our way and He told me that if I always stay close to Him in prayer and fastings and full commitment to doing His will, I would overcome with the help of the Holy Spirit because to overcome,you must bring the flesh under control and these things bring the flesh under control.
Then the Lord took me to the entrance of Hell and showed me a man burning in Hell but we did not go inside. We just saw the person from a distance. The man was inside something that looked like a tunnel and he was in flames and screaming! Everything was just as real as if you get a real life person and set them ablaze. Everything was so real! Hell is a real place just as earth is. Heaven is also a real place just as earth is.
The Lord was holding my hand but I was so terrified because of Hell. Being in Hell is unbearable but even just seeing Hell is horrifying.
When the Lord saw that I was terrified, He told me to get on His back,that He would carry me. I laughed, "What?" I had not expected that nor would have expected such a thing my whole life. This is because of the wrong impression of God demons have planted in our heads that God is always looking for faults in and you can't be close to Him as with a friend. Demons do this to keep you as far away from God as possible so that they can have you.
While I was still laughing "what?" in shock, He had already gone down on one knee for me to get on His back. I was totally shocked and amazed. I was speechless and in disbelief.
So I got on His back but I was not seated in a comfortable position and so I said, "Lord, can you please make as if jumping a little so that I can sit properly?" And He made as if jumping a little to adjust my sitting position. I found that so funny and unbelievable.
I was also very surprised at how He related with me and how very free I was with Him. I didn't want this moment to end. No amount of joy in all existence surpasses the joy one feels with the Lord.
Jesus is your personal friend and He is not someone you should be terrified of. Demons have planted a wrong impression of God in your mind to keep you away from Him. The Lord longs for a personal relationship with you.
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