7/05/16 THE DEMON OF RELIGION I have noticed that some strange people have come in among Holiness Preachers. They are teaching extreme things and claiming that it is Holiness.In the end,they are leaving people confused as to what true Holiness is. So my heart was very grieved as I began to think of this. Then I decided to pray against all False Holiness preachers.I prayed for the Lord to expose them and to terminate their mission! As I was praying,I saw a demon coming towards me. It had on a Pink cloth tied around its head and it was dressed in a very exaggerated way!This demon's face looked like it had some skin disease.For a minute,I was confused as to what was happening.This demon kept walking towards me at a very fast pace.As it approached me,I convinced myself that it would not touch me but Lo and Behold,the Lord allowed it to touch me! It pushed my head to one side with its finger and said angrily,"Stop persecuting my servants!" I did not understand what it meant and so I said"Who are your servants?"It mentioned three names and said,"You are persecuting them through your prayers,stop praying!" I then understood that it came to attack me because of my prayer against false Holiness preachers. It raised its hand to attack me but I called the name of Jesus and it vanished. I then understood that the Lord had allowed me to have that experience in order to know some of the False holiness preachers.I have not been led to write the names. These preachers are on Facebook and are inspired by that demon.It is a demon of religion. The devil knows that without Holiness,no man will see the Lord.So he has sent his own servants with a message of 'Holiness' to cause confusion to the true Holiness message. He has sent his messengers with exaggerated messages.These messages are meant to make Holiness look impossible and horrible. Being Holy does not mean wearing shabby looking clothes. One can be nicely decently dressed and Holy.The Lord revealed to me about this demon of religion which was dressed in a horrible looking way.He allowed me to know that it was the one responsible for releasing false holiness messages to the world. In the name of Holiness,people have become religious.We should be completely Holy and be led by the Holy Spirit don't get me wrong. God requires the same outward holiness of no make up,no wordly dressing etc.But some people have taken it too far and are assuming that some things are wrong without being told by the Lord.That is religion. Some people write to me saying,"Why is your head unwrapped on your profile pictures?" Nowhere in the bible is it written,'thou shalt have your head wrapped always where ever you go and no matter where you are' We are Christians and not Muslims. That demon had a horrible skin disease on its face.It became true to me that it is the one which leads these false holiness preachers.They teach that if one has acne and applies anti-acne cream to get rid of it,then they stop being Holy! That is religion. Acne is a very serious disease for some people.They want you to have a wrong perception of Holiness.They are saying that Jesus likes it when you are looking like that and that you are suffering for the Lord! If I was a new convert,I would think holiness was a bad thing. However,those same people take medicine when they are sick but they want others to remain inflicted.These teachings are from the demon of religion. These teachings are meant to discourage you from Holiness. I have also heard some strange teachings saying wearing a watch is a sin.Twisted scriptures!Whic h Jesus said that? The Lord wants us to be Holy not religious.The Holy Spirit has never convicted me that wearing a simple Time piece is not being Holy.The only thing the Lord told my Sister Rachael Mushala Chisulo and I about watches was,"Be careful of buying watches anyhow because the devil has now made bracelets with a time piece to deceive people .People will buy saying it is a watch but it is actually a bracelet."We all know bracelets are the things of the world. If wearing a watch was a sin,he would have just said,stop wearing watches.He wouldn't have said be careful. Many people have been oppressed because of such strange teachings.They also have teachings saying eating certain foods is a sin.1 Timothy 4:1-4 tells us that saying some foods should not be eaten is a teaching of DEMONS. Clearly it is from the demon of religion. The bible tells us to test every Spirit.The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is very important to have personal guidance from him.Or else one will be swayed by anyone saying they are hearing from the Lord. Someone told me that Holiness people are very dirty and people look down on them and even avoid them.She said,"Some people are teaching them that if they shave their armpits and pubic area,they will go to Hell"What?! It is clearly from the demon of religion sent to make Holiness look bad.It is an attempt from the devil to make people not want to be Holy and for those in it to give up!This made me feel very concerned about the future of holiness. They twist old testament scriptures to support their claim but believe me,they are on a mission.If the Holy Spirit lives in you,he will convict you that such teachings are a total lie! Some people ask me what Soap they should use for bathing because all soap is perfumed.They say they have been taught that if they use perfumed Soap, then they are going to Hell.They say the smell of your soap will make you have pride.Who is able to capture the scent of a Soap on your skin? Is the Soap a perfume you have sprayed on your body? What are you supposed to use,ashes? If a soap does not bleach someone, then I see no sin in it. Many people also accuse Rachael and I of writing things which we have never written about Holiness.What we have been told by the Lord,we write on our Timelines.Beware of religion. The false holiness preachers believe the more you suffer,the more Holy you are. Very soon,they will say there is a message from the Lord that we should all go and live in the Jungle far away from Civilization or else we'll go to Hell. The Lord says women should not wear trousers but here comes the devil with his own version. He says do not wear the material of Jeans,do not wear this or that material. This is certainly not Jesus.It is a false Jesus.Many innocent people are deceived by such teachings. Someone comes saying, the Lord said do not lust after your wives or husbands.But my bible tells me that if you are burning and can not contain yourself,then marry.And my bible says the only time allowed to deny yourself from your husband or wife is when you want to pray.Someone who has been sent by the demon of religion in order to invite adultery comes saying,"Stay away from your wife or husband or else you are going to Hell.Only have carnal knowledge of them when you want to procreate,stop lusting after them! I did not even know such teachings were possible. What the devil wants is to consume your time.Instead of just being led by the Holy Spirit,he wants you to start assuming that some things are sin.He is stealing the time that you should be in sweet fellowship with the Lord.Instead of getting to know the Lord more and praising him,he wants you to be religious and worried.The Lord wants us to be Holy and in an intimate relationship with him.Not be be religious and scared of him. There are many things I know but I would rather not say some things.I would just advise people to be led by the Holy Spirit.This should make us go on our knees and ask the Lord to cast away any religion and deception. One should personally be guided by the Holy Spirit about what is sin and what is not.I do not know everything and we all need to learn continuously from the Lord. Whoever feels like disassociating themselves from us is free to do so.The Lord said,"He who is not with me is against me.He who does not gather with me scatters abroad",Luke 11:23. False Holiness preachers are influenced by this demon of religion.They have gone out of the way and have formed a cult with strange doctrines. They do not even deserve to be called Christians because they are not.They belong to another religion and should have their own book which is not the bible. BEWARE OF DECEPTION! By Zipporah Mushala
7/05/16 THE DEMON OF RELIGION I have noticed that some strange people have come in among Holiness Preachers. They are teaching extreme things and claiming that it is Holiness.In the end,they are leavi
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— May 9, 2016
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