Hell is real and it's scary.Sometimes people will say,"why are you sharing your visions of hell?to scasre people into repentance?"
The truth is that the mere fear of hell will never bring you to true repentance.
You will be scared of sinning for a day or two,then the fear will wear out and you ll go right back into your sin.
But the reason God keeps showing His servants hell in order to come and warn His people is not because He wants to scare you,it's because He wants you to see His grace.Yes,His grace.
You may ask,"how?"
You must know that each of us only has the ability to repent when we are on earth.Once we die,it's too late.
If you die without Jesus,it means the one you had in your life was satan,therefore you must go where satan is.
You reap what you sow . You wanted a life without God,therefore even in death you must continue without God.Thats justice.God is holy,if you died with sin,you ll have sin for all eternity.Your sins can't be washed away in death.
Therefore if God allowed you into heaven with your sin,you would contaminate heaven.And God cannot stand sin,since God fills the whole of heaven,there must be no sin in all of heaven, so the only place for you with your sin is hell.
So God keeps showing people hell to warn you,so you can have an idea of where you are headed if you don't repent.
He let's you know just how horrible the place waiting for you is,not in order to just scare you,but in order for you to see what Hes sparing you from.
Yes,you deserve to be in hell this very moment,eternally doomed.But you are still alive with a chance to repent and go to heaven instead.
Many people who committed the very sins you have committed are in hell,paying for that.
Many even much younger than you are already in hell being punished for the very sins you are committing.
Yet,you and I are alive and no matter what we have done,this very moment we can repent and choose to seek God and escape the fires of hell forever.
Each person is only alive because God hasn't asked for the life He gave us back.He has power to do that and yet He hasn't,despite of all we have done.
He's giving us chance to run away from that horrible place.
And if you have an idea of how horrible it is and how much you deserve to be there this very minute and yet God has spared you in grace and provided a way of escape from you,that should fill you with gratitude and love for God.
It should make you realise how much He loves you and wants to save you and it should lead you to love Him and accept His love.
His grace is sufficient for you,no matter what you have done,you can repent right now and turn your back on sin.
You can choose Jesus right now and experience His love.
Nothing is as powerful as God's love.
His heart yearns for you,He wants to save you from hell so you can be with Him forever.
Today when you hear His voice don't harden your heart.
Seek God with all your heart.
We are all here on earth in order to serve the Glorious King of Heaven.
We were all created for Him.To love Him and experience His love.
If you are still in the world,serving God always seems like a burden but when you get close to God,I assure you there's no greater fulfilment than experiencing the Holyspirit . Nothing matches that!
If really you want to be ready when He comes or when you die,stay on your knees.Once you stand you ll fall.Theres no other way,without Jesus we are nothing.We can never ever live in obedience on our own.Stay in a relationship with Jesus.
Shun sin and draw near to God in prayer and reading His word.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— May 9, 2016
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