As I was about to sleep last night,I felt the presence of the Lord so strong in my room and it was as if an intense fire was burning in my heart.
So I decided to pray.After that,I closed my eyes to sleep but I realised I was still seeing the walls in my room with my eyes closed!
When I looked at my self,I saw a hand coming out of my hand and it was then that I realised,it was my soul coming out of my human body and then I found myself travelling down to hell.
In this section where the Lord took me,I saw ugly faces of demons just in the entrance.It was darker than any blackness known to man but I could see the demons. It was so dark that only the Lord allowed me to see.Jude 1:13 says,"They are wild waves of the sea, foaming up their shame; wandering stars, for whom the BLACKEST OF DARKNESS has been reserved forever."
Some were looking like what people like calling Aliens today but they were looking very ugly,old and angry.Some were just looking like jaw bones of a donkey.They were all just heads and they were looking very very scary.
I could feel that Jesus was with me but I was not seeing him.Only hearing his voice.
I saw something that resembled a reception desk at this section with a tough skinned demon sitting behind the desk.
It should be understood that there are many sections of hell.Luke 12:47-48 says,"to whom much is given,much is required.He who knew what to do and did not do it will be beaten with many stripes.He who did not know what to do and yet did something deserving of beating will be given few stripes."
I saw a woman looking about in her late fourties or early fifties.An elderly woman.A demon had just brought her to hell and she was kneeling before it begging with tears pouring down her face like water.But the demon kept kicking her to the ground and laughing.
Then it put a huge chain around her neck and dragged her to the desk.The demon at the desk asked "What did this one do?" And the other demon answered,"She did not give enough to the poor." I was left in utter shock and speechless.
Then I thought,so someone can come here for not giving enough to the poor? But Proverbs 28:27 says,"He who gives to the poor will lack nothing but those who close their eyes to poverty will be cursed! "
The Lord showed me this woman's life when she was on earth.She believed in God and practiced outward holiness of not adorning herself.
The Lord had blessed her with money but all she kept doing with it was buying more and more clothes for her wardrobe.She had clothes packed in her wardrobe which she was not wearing and she kept buying more and more.
She could not even give those packed clothes to the poor. Proverbs 21:26 says "Some people are always greedy for more,but the godly love to give!" I saw that sometimes when she passed a begger,she would drop a coin in their hands just to make herself feel as if she was giving.To the Lord,she did not give enough.
Many of us are guilty of having things which are not using yet we are not giving them to the poor.James 4:17 says "To him who knows to do good and yet does not do it,to him it is sin" Whatever we know that the Lord wants us to do must be done.Including Evangelising to the lost.
I saw the woman at a function before she died preparing to marry her daughter off but she just fell down dead.The Lord had decided her time was up and she died.He had warned her of not giving to the poor over and over again and also to avoid talking about other people.But she thought she still had time on earth.
To people there,they said she had died of Natural Causes.
The demon at the desk wrote her crime down in a book.I also saw countless books and some were piled up on top of each other.Then I remembered Revelations 20:12 which says,"and the dead where judged according to their works,by the things which were written in the books."And I thought,surely these are the records being written down in preparation for the great judgement day.Becuase hell is just a prison according to 2 Peter 2:4 and after judgment day,it will be thrown into the lake of fire according to Revelations 20:14-15.
I saw that the woman had died wearing brand new clothes.They were looking squeaky new.
When the demon wrote down her crime,immediately,a huge metal plate appeared on her chest destroying her flesh.It was spluttered in her blood and was written the words "I did not give enough to the poor."It looked as if it was in another language but I understood the words written there because it was in the Spirit.She was branded with her sins.
Isaiah 3:24 says, "Instead of a sweet smell, there will be a stench; instead of a sash, a rope; instead of well-dressed hair, baldness; instead of fine clothing, sackcloth; instead of beauty, BRANDING."
Then fat maggots appeared on her body and began eating her clothes and her flesh off! Mark 9:44 "Where their worm does not die and the fire is never quenched"That is why Matthew 6:20-21 says we should lay up our treasures in heaven where they can not be destroyed.
Then the demon dragged her for punishment to a place where I could hear all sorts of screams and sounds of flesh popping.
She was shaking with fear and then I saw her no more and I came back and the Lord brought me back.
Hebrews 13:16 says "Do not neglect to do good and share what you have for such sacrifices are pleasing to God."
Many of us have things piled up but its time to give to the poor.The Lord sees such things as very very important.
If it is a shoe that is spoiled,we must make sure to have it repaired before giving it out.Do to others as you would have them do to you.But its not right to give indecent clothes which we no longer wear to others.Don't take them to hell in the name of giving to the poor.Only give them decent clothes.Any indecent clothes including clothes with evil drawings must be burnt. Acts 19:19.
The Lord also said he wants us Christians to live in unity and love and not to treat each other partially.
He said the way you receive a Rich man with 7 cars into your home is the way you should receive a poor man who lives in a grass thatched house or else your going to hell. James 2:1-9.Make sure you are not even guilty of favouritism in your heart. He said "are you happy to have stacks of shoes piled up in your houses while someone else depends on one pair of flip flops which even has holes in them everyday?"
We should not only give the old things even buying something new for someone is fine because 2 Corinthians 9:7 says God loves a Cheerful giver!
If God didn't love us,he would watch us die in our sins but he has warned us that we may turn away from ways that do not please him.
Pass this on for your neighbour to be warned too.
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