An example of why the nephilim see human beings( not led by the Spirit of God) as helpless babies who are merely their puppets and they control.
I can’t even count how many people use these two satanic signs of the peace sign and the tongue out when posing for pictures.
Even little children almost automatically flash out these satanic symbols that the nephilim and satanists have promoted and humans just follow blindly bowing down to satan.
In the picture on the left is the Hindu idol where the tongue out sign comes from.
That is the idol they pay homage to when they pose with the tongue out.
Many are participating in giving homage to Lucifer just because a “famous person” did it.
Just like in ancient idol worship, adultery and fornication were part of the worship of Satan and they had temple prostitutes for that.
In the same way,the worldly celebrities dress half naked and promote adultery and fornication to honor Satan and many people just follow them blindly, taking part in satanic worship.
They worship demons of lust and they dress like their gods and they control humans to join them in satanic worship.
Honor God with your body and with everything you do
Do not follow worldly trends blindly.
Be led by the Holy Spirit.
Don’t be led by famous people many of whom are nephilim and satanists.
You will end up participating in satanic worship unknowingly.
Even when the Anti Christ comes,the famous people will be first to get the Mark of the Beast and flash it around proudly and make it seem “cool ”
Many will take pride in having the mark of the beast because of this.
Be a disciple of Jesus, don’t be a disciple of worldly trends.
Pictures for educational purposes only.
The idol’s image is deliberately blurred out.
An example of why the nephilim see human beings( not led by the Spirit of God) as helpless babies wh…
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— November 2, 2022
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