Elon Musk proudly announced who his master is by wearing a costume with an inverted cross,a clear mockery of the death of Jesus.
His baphomet costume called, “devil’s champion” is telling the world who he really is and what the source of his great wealth is.He is satan’s champion.
The cross can been seen to be upside down ! Apparently, this is the richest man in the world, with heavy investment in satellites, chips, electric vehicles etc. . It goes without saying that much of his investments will be very fundamental when it comes to tracking and chipping people when the Antichrist comes on the scene.
Majority of people running the world are Satan’s puppets who bow down at his feet for wealth.
Satan had offered to give Jesus the Kingdoms of the world if only He worshipped him.
But Jesus rejected that offer.
Even now,satan is able and does offer the Kingdoms of the world to those who bow at his feet like Elon Musk.
Matthew 4:8-10
“Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.
And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”
Then Jesus said to him, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’ ”
Something the Lord had revealed to us some years ago is how technologically advanced the satanic kingdom is.
The Lord said even as far back as King Nebuchadnezzar’s time,the satanic kingdom already knew about electricity!
That is because the fallen angels had gotten alot of knowledge while in heaven,some of which they taught their offspring,the nephilim.
They’re so very much advanced and knowledgeable and only choose bits of knowledge to share with humans when they want.
But they already possess knowledge about inventions that haven’t even been done yet on earth.
That should tell you why they can sometimes”foretell” future inventions in cartoons.
They already have the knowledge and choose when to share some of it with humans as technological advancement,yet they possessed the knowledge hundreds of years ago.
When they choose to,they announce some of that knowledge as inventions.
This is why they despise normal human beings and call themselves”enlightened” or “Illuminati.”
I remember the Lord had told us that the nephilim see normal adult human beings like BABIES just because they can easily outsmart them because of the superior knowledge they have.
They do outsmart humans easily and can easily make them their puppets and even now they have enslaved majority of the world, but they cannot outsmart or have power over those led by the Spirit of God.
The fallen angels did get alot of knowledge with them but heaven is billions of times much more advanced than the knowledge they got.
God is wiser and had hidden many things from them because He already knew of their rebellion.
Therefore the knowledge they possess is inferior and even useless compared to the real treasures of knowledge God kept hidden safely from them.
This world is being run by satan who is the prince of this world.
God’s children don’t belong here.
Don’t get blinded by the world.
Be seperate and let your heart belong to Jesus alone.
The only safe place is to be with Jesus and to be led by His Spirit.
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