Being close to Jesus does not happen accidentally,neither are there special people who can get close to Him.
BEING CLOSE TO JESUS IS A DECISION YOU MAKE! This is what The Lord Jesus Christ told me today during my prayer time.
He said,
"Being close to Me is a DECISION you make,and you work towards fulfilling that decision."
Here's how The Lord explained it to me.
Getting close to Jesus is as simple as this;
If you used to spend 20 minutes with The Lord every day, then you decide you want to get closer to Him now than you have ever been,you cannot continue spending 20 minutes with Him.
If you do,your relationship with Jesus will still remain where it was,you won't get any closer.You can't do the same thing you have been doing and expect different results.
Even if you keep praying, "Lord let me be close to you." But the amount of time you are giving Him is still just 20 minutes,your relationship will still be at the very place it was before.
Drawing close to Jesus is ACTION.
You don't just have to say it,but you have to do it.
The Bible says,Draw near to God,and He will draw near to you."James 4:8
So you simply take that action.
If you used to spend 20 minutes with God everyday and you DECIDE you want to get much closer to Him, you need to increase the time you are spending with Jesus.
You can increase from 20 minutes to an hour for example, and you will notice that the more time you are spending in the presence of the Lord,the closer you will get to Him.
The amount of time in a relationship always determines the strength of the bond created.
Even with friends, you don't tell them, "hey,let's get closer," and then find yourself close to that friend. Its not about what you say,its about what you do.
You begin to spend more time with that friend, you begin to make more memories together, you begin to share more secrets,and before you know it you are inseparable.
That's how our relationship with Jesus also grows.
If we start spending more time with Him than we used to,and we begin confiding in Him even about the smallest things,if we begin to tell Him the most secret things on our hearts,to ask for His counsel,and to LISTEN to what He also has to tell us,Jesus will truly become our friend because we will be closer to Him not just in words but in reality.
It is important to be still and listen to what The Lord has to say to us because a relationship is two way,we speak,but we also listen to what He has to say.
The more time we spend with Him,the clearer His voice gets.
Here's what The Lord told me,"when it comes to intimacy with Me,how you treat me is how I will treat you."
The Lord said if we treat seeking Him casually, we should expect a similar result.
We cannot approach seeking God with a casual attitude and expect to experience the fullness of His glory.
But when we seek Him with all our heart,He too is very eager to be found by us.He will draw near to us so that we can hear Him.
You can pray for God to help you draw near to Him,I do too.
You need His help to overcome all the distractions satan puts in your way because we can't do anything without Jesus helping us
The Lord can help us draw near to Him.
But God expects us to act on the decision we have made to draw near to Him.
You will never find yourself accidentally very close to Jesus.
Its an investment you make,through time
You make DELIBERATE effort to seek Him even when your flesh doesn't want to.
God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.(Hebrews 11:6).
Do you want to get closer to Jesus?Make more time for Him!
#Seek The Lord while He may be found,call on Him while He is near.(Isaiah 55:6)
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