The devil has come full force among us.The Lord said you should beware of the following two things.
1.Beware of people who just want to concentrate on outward holiness leaving out the other things.Outward holiness is good yes but if we neglect preaching about the other things also,then we are counting some sins as more serious than others.All sins are the same.
Some have approached us saying we should preach less about hell and concentrate on outward holiness.But that is incorrect because the Lord shows us hell so that we can share.Will outward holiness alone save you? In the end,we will become like prosperity preachers who only preach prosperity and nothing else.If you preach about outward holiness but you do not preach about hell,or other sins then what are you doing? Before people know it,they stop counting other things as sin and will only concentrate on outward holiness.
It is very good yes,but it alone can't save someone. We are to preach about outward holiness,inner holiness too,pursuit for God and intimacy with Him,His judgement in hell as well as His love.We are to preach everything not just one leaving the other.
2.The Lord said beware of people who preach against sin but they never describe to you what that sin is.They can even cry with mucus running down saying, stay away from sin,don't go to hell! But they never tell you want will send you to hell! They have come like sheep yet they are wolves.
I pray that were the darkness have said you will go to hell,you will run 10 times faster to heaven instead.That were they have put a curse,there will be 10 blessings in place of that curse.That where they have said you will not succeed, you will succeed instead and they themselves will not succeed in their mission. Where they have said you will backslide,they will backslide from their evil instead.
Beware of demons in human form.They also pretend to have been touched by real testimonies.Walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.
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