(Accounts of Samuel Oghenetega,Rachael and Zipporah Mushala,and Eudoxia Varga )
Today I would like to present to you a topic that is probably very
new to most of you, and therefore it might seem rather hard to
believe. However, don't simply dismiss it, until you have first
prayed and asked the Lord to confirm this to you. Our Lord
promised the disciples, "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he
will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will
speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to
come." (Jn 16:13). I will present the revelations given to four
different disciples, and then present the Scriptures that support the
As I have written about
in a separate post
called, Visitation of
Jesus to Samuel
Oghenetega , a fourteen-
year old boy in Nigeria,
named Samuel "Tega"
Oghenetega, had an
encounter, in which
Jesus visited with him
over a period of days
while he was in the
hospital. It happened
between June 30 and
around July 4, 2013.
You can read that
encounter at the link
I've provided, but for
the sake of this article, I
will only refer to the
excerpt that pertains to
the topic of demons
disguised as humans.
The Lord said: "Look at Barack Obama. Many of my ministers made
the mistake by praying him in to win the election. He has deceived
my ministers that he’s a Christian, and many of my ministers
followed him because of his material things…Now he is obeying
you? Only that my ministers have done, it’s enough for me to send
them to hell, but because of my love, I am still waiting for them to
repent. Yet they don’t want to repent."
At 2:06:29 in the video, Samuel quoted the Lord as saying: "Obama
is not a human being. He’s a demon. Now my people are suffering
over there in America. Now he has given an order that gays,
homosexuals, and lesbians should be given their rights. I will
destroy him and the ministers that agree with him. So let every man
plead his case before me and I shall forgive they that ask
forgiveness. They that ask forgiveness from their heart shall I
As I have written in my post, Eudoxia Varga Testimony of Heaven
and Hell , a Hungarian woman received a revelation of heaven and
hell from the Lord Jesus Christ. He warned her about people on
earth, who appear to be humans, but are actually evil spirits. She
"And the Lord said and warned that women and stars, who are so
beautiful that you cannot make them more beautiful, they’re not
always humans, especially, you can know it when they die at a very
young age. The Lord said to me, “Because she goes down, takes up
a new body, and goes up again.” If it’s possible, even from our
people they deceive—from the youth, with this music."
following account
is a testimony
from sister
Rachael, regarding
what the Lord revealed to her and her sister Zipporah about
demons disguised as humans. She states:
This may be very hard to comprehend. It was hard for us to take in
at first too. Please pray about this if you want personal
confirmations, because these are direct words from the Lord.
The Lord had told my sister and me that sometimes demons come
to earth in human disguise to fulfill satanic missions. When He told
us this, I thought the demons just appear in human disguise and
disappear after completion of the mission.
But now at another time during prayer (after I had traveled home),
the Lord said these demons in human disguise are just like normal
people. In other words, they have houses, jobs, and could even be
people we know! Yet they are not really human, but demons in
human disguise! I know it’s hard to understand and the Lord said
people will think we are crazy because of this.
The Lord began to reveal some of these demons in disguise. Some
were TV stars, newscasters, artists, and even our friends! The
spiritual realm is hard to comprehend. After the Lord told my sister
and me this, these “people” He had revealed to us just kind of
suddenly cut off friendship with us. They would at all costs avoid
contact with us. Even when we meet on the road, they would cross
to the other side like we don't know each other! We had never
mentioned anything to them but their reaction was automatic after
they were exposed to us. They live a normal human life but are here
for a mission. Some of these demons in human disguise were
former classmates, my sister's friends, preachers on TV, etc.
After the
they would
prayer to
block our
prayers or
the normal
role of demons). But they would always have the Lord to contend
with, and would fail and disappear.
When the Lord revealed this, I noticed that many of them were
movie actors, on magazine covers, or other positions that made it
easy to influence many people in their dressing, behavior or simply
promote a demonic agenda. In high school they were the ones who
would put so much pressure on their peers to engage in sinful and
rebellious acts. That’s what I noticed.
The Lord exposed them such that when I come in contact with
some of these demons in disguise, I understand what they are
saying spiritually, even without opening their mouths. I could hear
the words they were saying. My sister experienced this too. Some
would say things like, "I am going to trap men so they’ll lust after
me and end up in hell" etc. And they wouldn’t even open their
mouths, or would just be smiling looking like a normal human.
My sister and I had a physical encounter with them just days after
this revelation. We were coming from seeing a lady we had been
evangelizing to, when we saw a man coming behind us. I then
knew in my spirit it wasn’t a normal human, but a demon in
disguise, and I told this to my sister who said I was right. So we
decided to mind our business and just act like we don’t know. We
were singing "in Christ alone". The man kept very close to us before
directly confronting us "Where do you stay?" He then began
shouting abuses at us. But because we knew what was happening,
we didn’t react. We just said, "I love Jesus. Jesus, I love you." Like
we were just talking to each other, and kept walking, ignoring the
man. This made him very angry and he kept saying abuses about
us, and Christians in general.
I think this had been a planned attack because right in front we
found two other demons in human disguise. The first demon who
had been verbally abusing us began speaking to the other two,
urging them to join in the attack. They looked like normal humans
dressed in jeans, T-shirts, and caps. We weren’t afraid. It was a
Saturday afternoon, and this road we were on was kind of
deserted. We knew we were protected. They couldn’t touch us. We
just started calling the name of Jesus, and all three of them were
visibly angry, and began to walk away from us as fast as possible.
We kept calling His name. The demons were so afraid they would
even run a little, and look back to see how close we were to them.
The first attacker went another way, but the other two went on the
same way we were going. I don't know. This may not have been
spiritually mature, but when we saw they were scared, we were
determined to torment them with the name of Jesus. So we hurried
after the two demons continuing to talk about Jesus and how
demons will soon be cast into the lake of fire. This made the
demons so angry that they hurried away, and finally turned to take a
different road. We let them go and continued on the same road.
We then met another demon disguised as a dog, and it was
stationed to attack us. The Lord told us this. When it opened its
mouth to bite us, we rebuked it in Jesus name, and it immediately
closed its mouth and just stood there until we passed safely.
We met another demon disguised as a young man. Again it may
not have been spiritually mature, but we kept close and started
talking about Jesus saying the world events show that Jesus is
about to come, which means its almost time for satan and his
demons to be cast into the lake of fire. He ignored us at first and
kept walking without turning even once to check who was talking.
We kept talking about Jesus until he couldn’t take it and literally
blocked his ears with his fingers while hurrying away.
Jesus then told us not to be making physical confrontations with
these demons. He said its a spiritual battle. I don’t know why
Jesus allowed us to encounter all this on this day, but I think it was
to prove to us that what He had told us was true; that there are
demons in human disguise.
The Lord told us these demons are stationed everywhere including
schools, neighborhoods, work, etc., and have various missions.
They don’t just appear, but are 'born' and grow up and are just like
humans. This is hard for me to understand, too, but its what the
Lord said. He said we have to be prayerful and be led by the Spirit.
How the Lord Revealed It
This is how the Lord revealed it to us. We were having prayers at
home, and about three brothers and sisters from church were there.
While we were praying, suddenly the Lord began speaking through
my sister and me, telling us about these human demons.
This is a topic that had NEVER EVER crossed our minds and was
very shocking. We had never heard of this before, until the Lord
revealed it to us. That's why it was so hard to understand. We
didn't even know the Lord had revealed this to other people.
He explained most of this in tongues; either me or Zipporah would
say the message in tongues, and the Lord would give the other one
the interpretation immediately. And sometimes He would give both
of us the message and interpretation. The Lord was speaking
through us, and to be honest, we would sometimes be very shocked
at what he said through us. It shocked everyone, but the Lord kept
saying, "Please believe Me. I am telling you the truth. I love you all
too much to lie to you." It was a little depressing for us, because
few could comprehend this, and because they do not understand,
they said a lot of things.
We searched the internet to see if anyone ever had this kind of
revelation, but we couldn't find any. However, the Lord kept
confirming what He had told us. For example, both Zipporah and I
kept encountering these demons, even in magazines, which we later
burnt. Then in another instance, the Lord told me a particular
person is a demon, and I mentioned this to my mother, when
Zipporah wasn't around. Later on Zipporah independently
mentioned the same person to our mother. In ways like these, the
Lord has confirmed this matter to us many times.
Angels Referred to As Men
While it might be hard for you to believe that demons can appear as
humans, you should search the Word to see if it is true. Indeed, the
word "man" is used in both Is 14:16 and Eze. 28:2,9,12,21 to refer
to Lucifer before he fell. In fact, the word "man" is used to refer to
angels all throughout Scripture, and these passages are no
exception to that pattern.
When the Lord appeared to Abraham with two angels, the text
refers to them as three men (Gen 18:2). When two angels went to
Sodom to rescue Lot, before they destroyed the city, they were
referred to four times as men (Gen 19:1-12). When the angel of the
Lord appeared to Manoah, he and his wife referred to the angel as a
man (Jdg 13:6,8,10). When angels appeared to Daniel, he referred
to them as men (Dan 10:5; 12:6-7). In fact, he even referred to one
of them as having human appearance, resembling a human being
(Dan 10:16,18). When Ezekiel saw six angels with weapons of
destruction in their hands and one with a writing kit at his loins, he
referred to them as men (Ez 9:2,11; 10:2,6-7). Immediately after the
resurrection of Christ, the angel that appeared to the women at the
empty tomb was described in Mark's gospel as a young man
wearing a white robe (Mk 16:5), and in Luke's gospel as two men in
dazzling clothing (Lk 24:4), while John's gospel described them as
two angels in white (Joh 20:12). Immediately after the ascension of
Christ, the angels that appeared and spoke to the disciples were
referred to as two men in white clothing (Ac 1:10).
Angels can and do appear as men today, just as they did in the
accounts recorded in Scripture. In fact, the writer of Hebrews said,
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some
have entertained angels without knowing it." (Heb 13:2). Just as
both Abraham and Lot entertained angels without knowing it, the
same thing can happen today, according to the Word of God.
Therefore, when someone says that a demon (evil spirit) can appear
as a man, it is consistent with the Scriptures.
Putting it All Together
I have given the accounts of four people — Rachael Mushala,
Zipporah Mushala, Samuel Oghenetega, and Eudoxia Varga, to
whom the Lord has revealed that there are demons disguised as
humans. And the Lord has shown these people that, in some cases,
these demons are living on earth at this time. This should not
surprise us, since demons are fallen angels. They were created by
God as supernatural beings, and they can appear in different forms.
Just as angels can and do sometimes appear as humans, so can
Let me caution you that there is normally no way to know by sight.
You cannot know by looking at someone if they are a demon. So
DO NOT attempt to guess if someone might be a demon, and don't
go around suspecting people of being demons, even if they are the
vilest sinner or persecutor of Christians. It is only through
discerning of spirits that you will know, by the revelation of the Holy
Spirit to your spirit. We need to be strong in the Lord, and put on
the full armor of God. "For our struggle is not against flesh and
blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world
forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in
the heavenly places." (Eph 6:12). No one knows until the last day if
someone will ultimately repent. Plenty of former Christian
persecutors have turned to the Lord, whom no one expected to do
so, including Saul of Tarsus, later called the apostle Paul.
Dear reader, we are living in the last days. Great deception has gone
out into the world. False prophets have been sent from hell. "Be
alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a
roaring lion looking for someone to devour ." (1 Pe 5:8). Beware of
demons disguised as humans!
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