Hi everyone, today I would like to share what the Lord showed me regarding churches after we just came to Him in 2012.
Many people say that we have one God,and so it doesn’t matter which church you attend. That’s not true because not all churches teach things that lead you to salvation. Some churches lead people to spiritual death.
I’m going to share three visions the Lord gave me at that time.
In the first vision, I found myself standing in front of a church known as the Salvation Army.
It was written “SALVATION ARMY, CHURCH OF GOD” However, I saw written in smaller letters underneath, ‘Church of dead god Satan.’ Its a Church of dead god Satan because their teachings do not lead to salvation, but lead people to spiritual death,as they do not advocate for a holy life separate from the world.
In the second vision, I was standing at the gate of a Catholic Church in my town,and I saw Satan standing near the staircase leading into the Church. He was looking like an animal standing upright with goat like legs and watching people as they entered into the Church,smiling with glee as if to mean ‘You are all mine!”
The Lord also showed me a Church here in my country known as the Universal Church of God. Many people say it is a Satanic Church and some say otherwise. However,the Lord showed me what really goes on in this church.
I saw benches and people were standing and singing from what looked like hymn books.
In the centre between the two roles,there was a huge 5 pointed Star and in it lay a person.
At the pulpit was a man dressed in garments similar to papal garments,with something that looked like a Yarmulke that the pope wears at the head.
The Lord told me that these people were actually performing a sacrifice of the person whom they had made to lie down inside the 5 pointed Star and that they were singing to the devil as part of the sacrifice process.
This Church pretends to be a Christian church and yet is a Satanic Church.
I then saw a big arrow and this arrow extended from this ‘church’ and this arrow branched into many other directions outside the church. I then understood this to mean that there are many other churches like this.
I’m not saying this just to speak against certain churches, but because the Lord showed me that many people are spiritually dead because of the churches they attend. Their churches will not lead them to salvation, because they do not encourage people to live a Holy Life.
Churches like the Catholic Church even encourage the act of bowing down to Statues which is idolatry and against the word of God.
There are many churches like this in the world which are just religious organisations and are not leading people to salvation. For a church to be approved of God,it must purely teach His word and call for separation from the world. James 4:4 “Adulterers and Adulteress, do you not know that Friendship with the World is ENMITY with God? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the World makes himself an enemy of God.”
Some people have been saved and know about the path of Holiness and total Separation from the things of the world but because they do not know which Church to attend, they end up going back to the same churches, saying they just have to attend a church.
The Bible however says, Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
By staying in such churches, one will start seeing as if sin is normal and will soon start to backslide,due to being in the wrong environment. If you have got rid of artificial beauty such as artificial hair,make up etc or have stopped watching secular Tv or listening to secular music, you will start to feel as if those things are normal if you do not attend a Church that speaks against worldliness, because you will see other people who attend the same church doing these things and yet considering themselves as Christians. You will backslide.
A Church approved by God is also not about gifts and miracles. It is about preaching the message of Holiness that is in God’s Heart.
The best thing is to come out and pray to God to lead you to a Church that upholds His word, and teaches people to flee from sin. I am not advocating for people to attend any named church ,but people should pray for God to lead them to a Church that will teach them the real word of God,leading to their salvation.
In the third vision of that Church which practices Satanism and many others like it,it also shows the need to seriously seek God’s guidance before joining any church.
Many people thought they were joining a normal church,not knowing they are being trapped into evil arts. Once in,Satan can never allow them to leave. We should also pray for such people to be set free.
Overall,there is a serious need to tell people about the path of holiness,because many people are trapped in what they think are Churches of God, yet those churches actually do not lead people to Heaven.
Hebrews 12:6 “For whom the Lord loves He chastens,And scourges every son whom He receives.”
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