During the conference I shared that God spoke to me about the flood of deception in the church right now.
I shared that Jesus showed me there’s a FALSE NARROW WAY!
It looks similar to the narrow way
but it isn’t.
It is satan’s way!
Be extremely careful brothers and sisters.
Just because someone says you need to dress modestly as a child of God, doesn’t mean those people are speaking by the spirit of God.
Just because someone speaks against worldly dressing doesn’t automatically mean they are speaking by the Spirit of God.
Yes,the Lord showed me that satan has also sent his servants to speak against these things to lure those who don’t rely on the Holyspirit.
They will speak 99% truth but are working against the Kingdom of our God.
I spoke about this in 2015 when Jesus showed me a vision that satan is sending his people to also talk about holiness.
So at first glance they seem like servants of God.
But when the Holyspirit takes down their cover,then you see them for what they really are.
Satan has so many of his servants desguised as holiness preachers and it’s a very serious thing!
My heart is so heavy with the level of deception going on.
Make sure to know Jesus for yourself and Jesus will always expose such people.
Satan has sent many of his workers to talk about holiness but they have another agenda.
Not all “holiness” preachers are from God.
Others,it’s a desguise and they are servants of Satan and the Holyspirit always exposes them to His people.
These people may even seem more strict but they are not from Jesus.
They do not serve the God of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob.
Keep your eyes on Jesus, not people.
Jesus gave me assurance and said those who belong to Him,no one can snatch them out of His hand!
Have a real relationship with Jesus so that you will not be lost.
During the conference I shared that God spoke to me about the flood of deception in the church right…
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— December 9, 2022
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