Hello beloved in the Lord.
Satan has sent so many of his agents out there to prevent many people from going to Heaven. The bible clearly tells us to be wary of wolves in sheep clothing and this means that we are not to believe that every preacher out there is genuinely from God. Some have been sent for the sole purpose of BLOCKING people from going to Heaven while purporting to be leading them there.
That is why the bible tells us to test every spirit. Any spirit that does not lead people to repentance is not of God. That is the one measure the bible has given us.
Many churches today focus on so many other things except repentance. They focus on so many other areas of the bible such as miracles and healings but exclude repentance. The fact that they include many other areas of the bible is what deceives people into thinking that they are genuine. However the main goal of a church as set by God is to preach messages that will lead to salvation. If this is missing then there is no point of going there because it does not point the way to Heaven.
Jeremiah 23:18-22“I HAVE NOT SENT THESE PROPHETS, yet they ran. I have not spoken to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in My counsel, And had caused My people to hear My words, Then they WOULD HAVE TURNED THEM FROM THEIR EVIL WAY And from the evil of their doings.
The Lord showed me a dream about these false preachers last night and this is what has led me to sharing this.
I was walking home in my dream and passed at a certain place which had a lot of buildings. The buildings were attached to each other and were in two rolls facing each other and they had verandas on them. They looked like event halls.
However as I passed by one of them, I noticed something very strange. I saw an entire church congregation sitting outside one of the halls facing the door of the same building. They were sitting on chairs on the veranda facing the door of the church while their Pastor stood at the entrance of the door preaching to them. This was very strange and I wondered why they didn’t just enter the building as it was empty. I actually recognised the pastor and he is the pastor of a pronounced named Pentecostal church here in my country.
A serious preaching session was going on as I could even see a wooden table with flowers on it at front where the pastor was.
It was not until I was telling my Mother this strange dream this afternoon that the Lord brought the meaning to me and I decided to share it.
The Lord made me realise that what was happening in the dream was what is explained in this bible verse. Matthew 23:13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; FOR YOU NEITHER GO IN YOURSELVES, NOR DO YOU ALLOW THOSE WHO ARE ENTERING TO GO IN.”
The Lord made me realise that the reason this whole congregation was outside is that it was outside Christ and their pastor is the one blocking them from entering in as he is not preaching salvation.
This church like many others focuses on the gifts of the Holy Spirit but worldlism is rife in the church. They do not preach against indecent dressing, living a life dedicated to Christ or being Holy by not embracing artificial beauty. Their preaching is centered on miracles but there is no preaching on salvation. 1 Timothy 2:9-10.
I also noticed something strange as the pastor seemed to be purposefully blocking the door so that no one can enter. I saw that he was standing in a way that was preventing the door from being seen at all! I also notice that the flowers that had been put on the wooden table for decoration looked exactly like burial wreaths. This means that the church is spiritually dead.
Then it came to me that this what also happens at the other buildings that I saw in this place. They also always kept their congregation outside. This represents many other churches.
There are so many reasons that churches are false. Some are driven by Satan’s agents whether human satanic agents or demons from hell masquerading in human disguise who have a mission of taking people to hell. Others are driven by people whose aim is to exploit people out of their money even as the bible warns.2 Peter 2:3, “By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words; for a long time their judgment has not been idle, and their destruction does not slumber.”
At the end of the day, any church that does not preach salvation is leading people to hell a sit is not leading them to Heaven. It is VERY important to have a personal relationship with God in order for Him to guide our lives. It is not His will for us to go to churches that do not lead to salvation. The best we can do for ourselves is to ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit in prayer so that we can be guided into knowing Gods will and direction in our lives.
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