An encouragement from God.
Deuteronomy 20:4 “For the LORD your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory.”
Hello beloved in the Lord. I’d like to share a dream someone has shared with me which has encouraged me about prayer and staying in the presence of God.
When we pray,we usually feel as if our prayers are not doing any good and that our lives would be the same with or without prayer.
That is the lie the enemy deceives us with because prayer affect him so much and he wants us to stop. The only way to make us stop is to deceive us into believing that our prayers are not doing any good.
The bible clearly states that there is a difference between the righteous and the unrighteous.
Malachi 3:18 “Then you shall again discern
between the righteous and the wicked,between one who serves God and one who does not serve Him.
We (Rachael and I) have mentioned before in posts where we have shared about spiritual attacks from the enemy and the instances where we have been attacked ourselves.
Some of the attacks have been in the form of dreams but these attacks can actually lead to physical death even though the attack happened in a dream.
For example, you can have an attack where someone is choking you in a dream and if not for God delivering you in the dream, you can die physically.
So this woman shared a similar dream with me and she had told me earlier that she had received a visitor but she had been feeling negative energy from this visitor.
She felt in the spirit that there was a demonic aura about this person and that he had visited in order to fulfill an evil mission.
Missions from the Kingdom of darkness are in different forms. There are some where they can launch attacks wherever they are and there are others where they need to be in the same environment with the person they want to attack.
This especially happens if they have been failing to attack due to being blocked by prayer, they make sure there is a way they can be in the same environment with the person they want to attack.
Their rituals require being in the same environment with the person they want to attack because they have failed to attack from wherever they are in the spiritual realm.
However, God can protect us no matter what kind of attack they decide to use.
She had told me that she had been feeling negative energy from this visitor and just days after his visit, he really did launch his attack.
She told me that in a dream, she found herself wondering around the yard at her house just looking at the surroundings.
There is a pile of pan bricks that she has at her place which are put at one corner at the back of the house. These are there in the physical at her house.
Then in the dream as she stood near that place,she noticed a grey snake uncoiling itself! It was hidden in the bricks and started uncoiling as soon as it saw her in order to attack.
She stood there frozen in fear at the unexpected sight and couldn’t make any movement.
Then she said out of nowhere,two dogs came and instantly mauled the snake,killing it by crashing it’s head!
This reminds me of the two bears which mauled 42 youths who were mocking Elisha the Prophet in 2 Kings 2:23-24.
“And he went up from there to Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came a group of youths out of the city, and mocked him, and said to him, Go up, you bald head; go up, you bald head.And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and mauled forty two of them.
I was amazed as she told me the dream and realised that really, God is with us.
The snake was meant to attack her and cause physical death though the snake bite would have happened in a dream. That is how some spiritual attacks work.
Those are some of the instances where people just find that someone does not wake up and they discover that they died in their sleep.
We don’t know what was happening as they slept,but they could have experienced a spiritual attack which they never woke up from to tell the story.
About two weeks ago, a similar incident happened near my place where a woman died in her sleep. She didn’t wake up as she normally did and her husband thought she must be really tired and left her to sleep.
Her family were surprised that even as the day progressed,she was still not waking up.
They decided to go and check on her and discovered that she was actually dead and not asleep. Its a sad story but God will fight for those who call on Him.
Hope this will encourage us and let us know that our prayers are not without worth.
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