The reaction of many Christians when they commit sin is to feel ashamed and feel the need to stay away from God "for some time" till they feel less guilty and then that's when they ask for forgiveness.
Because it seems easier to confess our sins after we are less guilty,as though it becomes easier for God to forgive us because time has passed.
After Adam and Eve sinned in Genesis, they felt they couldn't face God and decided to hide.
Its the same reaction many of us Christians still have even today when we sin,we feel the need to stay away from God and "hide" till time passes.
REALITY CHECK: God lives outside of time.
It is us humans who because we are bound in these mortal bodies,we are bound to time.
God lives in eternity,without beginning and without end.There's no such thing as "time passing" and His emotions changing with that.
So time doesn't change anything with God.
How He felt on the day you committed that sin,is how He ll still feel about it 27 years later as long as its unconfessed and uncovered by the blood of Jesus.
He ll still see it with the same gravity.
To us humans,we most likely won't be bothered by what someone did to us 27 years ago,and we may think its the same with God,as though He forgets our sin just because time has passed.
Time has no ability to wash us of our sin,that is why Jesus Christ had to die such a painful death for our sins because He knew that was the only way of escape for us.
It is satan who lies to us that we need to wait for some time before we can face God.
"Waiting for sometime" before facing God has no effect on how God sees our sin.
How bad He feels about it when we commit it is how bad He ll still feel about it even if time passes.
It is just the same like we committed it today.
The only thing which changes how God sees our sin is when we repent and confess our sin.
When we do this,God not only forgives us but He even forgets we ever committed such a sin!
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
"Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered."Psalm 32:1
Isaiah 43:25 l
" I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins."
So God wants to forgive us,He is more eager to forgive than to punish us.(Joel 2:13)
But we need to be repentant and confess our sins.
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise." Psalm 51:17
Satan knows that even in our sin if we run to God in repentance, we will find mercy and forgiveness, but he lies to us that our sin is too much and God can't forgive us, or that our sin is so bad so we should just stay away from God for a while and maybe later after some time has passed we can repent.
All these are lies to keep us from our loving Father who is waiting to receive us with open arms.
By lying to us that we need to wait for sometime or till we are less guilty before repenting, what satan actually wants to achieve is to further harden our hearts to God and getting us as further away from God as he can.
We only have power over sin when walking in fellowship with God,so when that fellowship has been disrupted by sin,satan wants to keep it that way for as long as possible so that he ll get you deeper and deeper in sin so that you have a hard time getting back.
That's the reason he ll tell you,"you can't repent are too much of a sinner,God is tired of forgiving you." Or he ll tell you, "wait,you ll repent tommorow when your sin feels less grave,that's when it ll be easier for God to forgive you."
But all these are lies.
It is only when your sin is covered by the blood of Jesus Christ, that's when God ll forget it.
And we don't own our lives,so satan ll be trying to keep us from repenting for as long as possible so that we die in sin,or we miss the rapture.
The moment we realise we have sinned,instead of running away from God,we must run to God.
He will not reject us,he ll receive us like the father of the prodigal son,whose father received him back in love and even made a party for him!
God is our father,more loving than any earthly father can ever be.
We must run to God in repentance,instead of finding him frowning at us,we will instead find Him waiting for us with His arms wide open,waiting to receive us,embracing us with so much love,and forgiving and even forgetting our sins.
Jesus Christ loves us,its not our righteousness that made Him love us,the bible says God loved us while we were in rags of sin!And while we were still sinners,Jesus Christ loved us enough to die for us!(Romans 5:8)
Sin can't make God stop loving us,He loves the sinner, it is the sin in you He hates.
And if you will still have the sin in you on that day you die,its the one that will take you to hell.
Not that God doesn't love you,God still loves you but He hates sin and if you cling to it,you will be destroyed with it.
Jesus Christ died to give you life.
You need to let go of your sin and accept His love because even now His arms are wide open if you repent and turn to Him.He loves you and is willing to help you overcome.
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