The Lord Jesus Christ gave me a dream that my sister and I should evangelise to our Grandmother because she was about to die.She lives in another province so we told my Aunty over the phone to be encouraging her to read the bible.
Then I had another dream where I saw horrible demons waiting for her in Hell.Some where in snake form,dragon form,dogs and very fat demons.They were preparing for her torture and I heard in the dream that she was going to die in about a week.I woke up very terrified and realised we had not done our best in evangelising to her.So we called my Aunty to hand her the phone that we may talk to her.
This time, we told her directly to stop using traditional medicines as protection from witchcraft because only Jesus can protect her. We told her that those remedies carried demons.We told her to be praying,reading the Bible and we prayed for her to be baptised with the Holy Spirit just over the phone.
She was very willing and said she wanted Jesus Christ right there and then.She said she would stop using traditional medicines and that she would be reading the bible.Her response was very shocking and we saw it clearly that the Lord had softened her heart to receive him. Ezekiel 36:26 "And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."
Then the most shocking thing happened.My very young vibrant Aunty whom we used to pass the messages to my Grandmother died.She died before my Grandmother and this left everyone wondering why the Lord had not given a message concerning her Soul.
My Grandmother died shortly after her and the Lord showed me a vision where she became young,very happy and the gates of Heaven swinging wide open for her.He also showed me my Aunty falling into the pit of Hell and a lot of demons receiving her.
2 Corinthians 6:2 says " I tell you, now is the time of God's favor,for today is the day of salvation."
To be alive and able to repent is God's favour.The Lord had given my Aunty many chances to repent but she may have been hardening her Heart. She may have thought she has more time. He gave my grandmother who received Salvation at her last minute the reward of the Kingdom of Heaven the same just like someone who has served him their whole life.Someone who knew the Lord earlier than her may have even backslidden and failed to enter while she did.That is the Grace of God.Matthew 20:1-16.
If you cry out to God with all your heart,he hears you.If you ask him to wash you clean of all your wrongs,he does but do not take him for granted. Do not think he'll warn you right before you die.Do not expect any special favour just because he uses you,the Lord has no partiality.People in Hell can not repent because forgiveness is only here on earth.The Lord knew my Aunty would die even earlier than my Grandmother but he did not warn her because she had used up all her chances of Salvation.Instead,he warned my Grandmother and prepared her heart to recieve him.That is what happens when you take God for granted.He can pass you right by and save the person next to you,leaving you doomed. Are you hardening your heart?The Lord can give you a heart of flesh which is able to accept him like he did my Grandmother.Are you taking him for granted? He can use you as a medium to save someone while you are going to Hell yourself.Life on earth is only a passing Shadow,the reality is eternity.Choose wisely.
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