It's easy to drift away from having an intimate relationship with Jesus especially when you ve been a christian for a long time,or when you ve been a preacher for a long time.If you don't watch out,
satan slowly kills your prayer life and kills your relationship with Jesus and in the end you don't even realise you ve fallen,and yet you have.
You can never ever be right with God unless you are in a constant intimate relationship with Him.
We cannot do without Him.
God is so very Holy.We cannot understand His holiness or come to His standard of holiness by mere rules only but by the word of God and the leading of the Holyspirit when we are in constant communion with Him.
God's holiness is not something you know once and for all,it's something u keep learning whenever u r with Him.
When you are not with Him you are bound to 4 get and slowly backslide according to God's standards although you may still think you are still living Holy.
The only holiness you ll have is human standards of holiness.
Once we break that relationship with Jesus ,all we ll have are human standards of holiness,which can never do when placed before a holy God.
When you don't have a real relationship with God,you can try not doing some things because they are sinful,and even evangelise to many people but that day you stand before God,you ll realise just how much your human efforts fall short.You ll realise just how deep in sin you were and didn't realise it because you were far from God.
Trying to obey God without a relationship with Him becomes nothing but religion and will never be acceptable to God.
You can never ever live in complete obedience unless you have a relationship with Jesus.
"Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me." John 15:4
Partial obedience is unacceptable to Him and is just the same like no obedience.
There can never be a substitute for an intimate relationship with God.
If you are not seeking God in prayer and by reading His word and living in communion with Him,I assure you;you are not ready to see Him when He comes.
Intimacy with God births obedience to His word.
Jesus Christ is Holy and He will never drop from His standard of holiness to suit people,it's us who have to rise to His standard of holiness and we will never do that on out own unless the same Holy God lives in us and we are in a relationship with Him,He ll make us Holy.
Stop striving and surrender to God,ask for His help.
You can never surprise Him.Dont ever think you ll just overcome sin by your own efforts and surprise God.Thats impossible.
You need Him.
you must surrender and ask for His help.Real surrender is not just saying you surrender by your lips while your actions show the opposite.
Real surrender is giving up the right to do what pleases you and being willing to let God make you holy by choosing obedience.
Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh,and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit.
John 3:6
You need to be born of the Holy Spirit.
That's the only way you can be changed.
If you are not,the flesh will keep controlling you and you ll keep struggling to obey God.
If you haven't received the Holyspirit,go on your knees,pray,fast.Let God baptise you with the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit will change you.
I used to be an addict of Korean series.
I would wake up around 5 sometimes and go to bed really late,just watching movies.
About 2 days after I got baptised by the Holy Spirit I tried watching my favourite series.
I couldn't even watch it for 10 minutes,I had to switch it off and start repenting.Yet it contained no cursing or swearing or nudity or anything sexual . But still I couldn't watch it anymore.
The person who was addicted to those movies was dead,I was a new person.I was now born of the Spirit and those things meant to please the flesh were now detestable to the one now born of the Spirit.
You cannot skip the Holy Spirit baptism.
You just have to receive it.
Nothing can replace a relationship with Jesus and once you have it you must maintain it so you don't lose it.
Seek God daily,listen to Him everyday and live in obedience.
" For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is." 1 Corinthians 3:11-13
Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Isaiah 55:6
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