The Lord told me that we human beings don't know how God really is. We don't know His true nature.
The Lord said that what we know about Him is just what we hear about Him.
To really know someone, you must spend time with that person. For example, you can be hearing from others about how a certain person is so bad but when you spend time with that person, you get to know them and then you realise that what you heard about them was actually a lie!
You realise that, "People have got wrong perceptions about this person and if only they were this person's friend, they would get to know them and see that all the impressions they have that this person is bad are actually so wrong! "
Its the same with God. The bible says, "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. " To know God, we must seek Him in prayer, reading His word, fastings etc and He will draw near to us. We get to know Him and He gets to know us. Its a personal relationship with Him.
The devil lies to us and gives us false impressions about God. He lies to us that God is ever watching, waiting for us to commit a sin so that He can throw us to hell. But that is not true. The Lord is ever looking for a chance to save us.
God wants to save us so much that His desire for us to be saved is even more than we actually desire to be saved ourselves. Think about that.
He is ever looking for a speck of hope for our salvation. When God looks at a sinner, He looks for any small indication of the sinner's interest in Him so that He can nurture that interest to grow, so that the person can receive Christ and be saved. This is the opposite of what Satan makes us believe that when God looks at a sinner, He says, "Aha! I've caught you sinning, now I'll cast you to hell! "
However,God can't force you to be saved. He is not a dictator. You have to be willing to receive Him. When you show interest in knowing Him, then He will help you and you will grow spiritually.
The Lord showed me how willing He is to save us. The Lord reminded me of something that happened in real life as an example of how much He wants to save us.
We had a water problem that day. The water went in the morning and by evening, it was not yet back and we wanted it to come back so bad. There was water in a dish at the bathroom and our cat was drinking it. When we heard the sound of water moving, we thought it was water from the tap and I quickly went to check if the water was back. We were disappointed when we discovered that it was not the water that was back but actually the cat drinking water.
The Lord reminded me of this and gave this as an example that "Just as you were eagerly waiting for the water and listening so Keenly for its sound and even heard the cat lap the water, that's how keenly I wait, looking for any interest that someone shows in me so that I can make that interest grow. You heard the cat lap the water because you were eagerly waiting for the water and you would not even have heard that sound had you not been keenly anticipating the water. "
" I keenly wait so that should there be any speck of interest in me, I should not miss it, so that I can make that interest grow so that that person can be saved. "
That's how desperately He wants to save humanity.
He told me that its just like when you are eagerly waiting for a visitor and you can't wait for this visitor to come home. You will be constantly going to the road to check if there was any sign of them. You wouldn't just seat but you would be constantly going to check " Have they reached? Are they here yet? "
He told me that that's how desperately He is ever checking to see if a sinner is developing and interest in getting to know Him.
We have to show the willingness ourselves. The bible says, "He who comes to me, I will by no means cast out. "
The Lord also showed me how much He wants us to go to Heaven. He showed me that He wants everyone here on earth to have a mansion in heaven and come home when they die.
The building materials for our mansions in heaven are provided by the work we do here for God. Any work for example evangelism, fasting, reading the word etc. Any LITTLE action we do here for God on earth, even as little as telling someone that "Jesus loves you " counts a great deal to God.
It may seem little to us, but its not little to Him. Any work we do for His Kingdom will be rewarded. Our work provides building materials.
But the foundation for some people's houses has not even started being built because they are not working for God. So the Lord told me that He looks out for any good work we do so that our house can start being built.
I saw that the Lord was even worried about those who had no foundation for their houses and was observing keenly what people were doing, even sinners, to see if they were doing even any littlest thing
that could actually provide material for the Angels to start building the house and when He noticed something, He would exclaim in excitement, "This person did this today, begin the building! "
He was happy when any material, no matter how little, was provided for a mansion. He would smile, like someone greatly anticipating their arrival.
The Lord wants you and I to be saved.
1 John 2:1 tells us that Jesus is our advocate.
I saw a woman and this person was dressed in a short skirt. She was walking with a man and they were drinking beer as they walked. She looked wasted.
I saw that that same day was supposed to be the day of her death. She was going to be run over by a car the same day and then land in hell!
I saw Jesus pleading before the throne of the Father that she should not die but live. I heard Him say, "Maybe she will change. Be merciful to her Father. Just give her another chance to change. Please don't let her go to hell! "
The Lord was in great pain and sobbing bitterly like one in uncontrollable pain.
The way I saw the Lord cry reminded me of a Hen that had chicks but a wolf keeps devouring them, one after another. The desperation of the Mother Hen to protect another one that was about to be devoured was how I saw the Lord cry. The Hen would fight, even if the wolf Injured it, it wouldn't mind. It would fight to the death to protect its chicks.
1 John 2:1 tells us that Jesus is our advocate. An advocate is a lawyer. If a lawyer was arguing a case for you, they would do all research, just to make sure you win that case.
The Lord was desperately trying to think. He was trying to think of any thing He could use to try to plead for her.
He remembered one time and quickly said, "Remember that time She was talking about stopping to drink and live a new life? Maybe if you give her more time She will change. "
He was so desperate!
The Father doesn't want you in Hell either. He wants you to repent so that you can be saved.
I saw the Lord's hands starting to bleed. His feet too! The blood of Jesus. Many people have rejected the blood of Jesus and prefer to live in their sin but His blood will cover us when we accept Him and repent.
The Father doesn't want you in Hell either. He wants you to repent so that you can be saved.
Jesus begging the Father and trying to plead the case of that woman doesn't mean that the Father wants you in Hell. He is the same God. Its all One God who is just performing different duties.
Here, Jesus was showing me His role as our advocate.
Because God is so so great that we as humans cannot relate with Him due to His greatness, He comes in a bodily form as Jesus so that we can relate with Him just like do with another person. That doesn't make Him two Gods.
He is One God but just takes up different forms to perform different duties, like He was doing now. Jesus was performing His role as our advocate.
God doesn't want you in Hell. He wants you in Heaven. All you have to do is accept Him, forsake your ways and follow the leading of His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes when we ask for Him in prayer and He even teaches us how to overcome the flesh. He is our helper on our heavenly journey. He will lead us and if we follow His leading, we will safely reach home.
God's love is evident. Never listen to the lies of the devil.
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