He wants Holiness both inside and outside too.
The Lord told me,"tell them I don't want women to wear trousers (Wether tight or loose),makeup,jewellery,wigs and weaves,paint nails,perm their hair,short or tight clothes."
The Lord said those things don't please Him and are sinful.He doesn't want them on His children.
He said He doesn’t want His sons sagging their trousers but rather to wear them normally.
The Lord doesn't want both men and women to dye their hair but He wants them to leave it in the color He created it.
He does not want fancy worldly haircuts with crazy shades in the head.
The Lord doesn't want His children listening to ungodly music.It doesn't matter if it has no dirty words.He doesn’t want any music or movies that don't glorify God.
The Lord is a jealous God and He will not share you with satan.He wants all or nothing.
Non Christian movies and music will take you to hell.It doesn't matter how much you pray or if you speak in tongues or see visions.
It will take you to hell. If it doesn't glorify God it glorifies satan.
Some people will tell you that all these things I ve talked about don't matter,that and that all that matters is your heart.
But let me tell you the truth and this is the same truth you will face on the judgement day;God cares about your heart but he also cares about your dressing and your conduct.He cares about your whole life.The bible says whoever gives up their life will find it and whoever holds on to their life will lose it.You can either hold on to your life by living to please the flesh or you can give up your life by letting Jesus have a say in every part of your life including your inner and outward too.Not just the outward leaving your inner or vise versa.
I did not make these things up,Jesus Christ told them to me so I can tell you . Jesus Christ wants complete holiness.He told me to tell you,HE IS NOT A WORLDLY GOD . JESUS IS A HOLY GOD.
If you know you can't speak in tongues and you begin to fake tongues repent because that will lead you to hell too.
Jesus wants holiness.Without holiness neither me nor you will see him.
Search your heart,let no ungodly thoughts or dirty jokes come from you . Don't tell dirty jokes or laugh at them.Jesus cannot allow you into heaven if your robe is stained with coarse jokes,bitterness,resentment or unforgivess.
Let go of everything and hold on to Jesus only.
Don't give your life in part only,He will not accept you.
Don't ignore the Holyspirit,don't grieve Him by continuing to do what He tells you not to,He will leave you in the end and satan will deceive you into thinking you are still with the Holyspirit.
The Holyspirit is very gentle.He doesn't force but tells you and leaves the choice to you.When you ignore Him he voice grows fainter and fainter till you can't hear it and satan convinces you that it a was just your mind and there's nothing wrong with what you are doing.
But when you obey the voice of the Holyspirit,His voice will keep getting clearer even about other things in your life.
Pray without ceasing.Fast and pray,keep watch,read the bible,make Jesus your best friend, and live an obedient life.
It doesn’t matter what a human being told you but what Jesus Christ told me to tell you is that all I ve talked about here is important to him.He is a holy God and you will not see him unless you are holy . Unless your robes are pure white.
James 4:4,Genesis 35:1-5,Exodus 33:5th Peter 3:3 , Timothy 2:9.
Some people say these messages from Jesus bring division because it's not what's taught in many churches but let me tell you the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword cutting between soul and spirit,between joint and marrow.HEBREWS 4:12
Jesus Himself said I haven't brought peace but a sword.
MATTHEW 10:34.
The word of God is like a fire,and like and hammer that breaks and rock to peace. JEREMY 23:29
When ever the word of God comes it hurts if it touches something you are in because it's like a sword.but what matters is how you react;Wether u reject it or repent.Which one do you want;the truth that will save you or a false unity that will only lead you straight to hell.Unity is good when it's built on God's word.But division is great if it's division of truth and Satan's lies.Repent,Jesus is coming!
Jesus Christ says He is a Holy God and wants complete holiness from all His children.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— January 13, 2016
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