Revelation 13:16-18 “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Many people know about the mark of the beast and that there is no redemption for anyone who gets it.However, many people do not know that they will get it, even WILLINGLY,because of the way it will be handled.
We know that currently majority of people in the world are either living a Godless life, are in false religions, or are living a double life.
This is mainly due to the media industry. In today’s world; movies,music and cartoons are what determine the kind of lifestyle we live.
Movies portray either a Godless life or a double life where one can do whatever they want but still claim to be a Christian. Music also determines what people think is normal and acceptable. For example today, insulting is what is considered cool because this is how the majority of songs portray it.
As a result,people’s lives today are an exact translation of the media industry and it is all Satan’s plan to take humanity to hell.
That is why the Lord constantly warns against secular Tv and Secular music and that anyone watching and listening to them is going to hell as one can not live a Holy life while being involved with such things.
The Lord showed me a vision showing that Satan will also use the media industry to try to convince people to get the mark of the beast during the great tribulation.
He knows this strategy is working in taking humanity to hell and he will use it for any other mission he has.
In this vision,I saw worldly musicians producing songs that went viral,showing as if the mark of the beast was a cool thing to have.
I also saw many movies produced,to depict it as a thing that any normal person should have.
I also saw walls sprayed with graffiti depicting the mark of the beast as the ‘in thing’ and I saw the world going crazy over it,just like they are going crazy over worldly music and movies now.
Just as worldly musicians and actors have countless followers now,that is how many people I saw in support of this mark.
In this vision, the mark of the beast was the hype, the in thing,the cool thing,and I saw numerous social media platforms creating hashtags about it.
However, the bible warns that those who get the mark will be tormented forever. Revelation 14:11 “And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and WHOEVER RECEIVES THE MARK OF HIS NAME.”
This is for anyone who remains in the rapture, that they should be way warned not to receive this mark no matter how popular it may be at that time,because the consequences are eternal. Moreover, we should not strive to remain,but strive to be raptured.
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