Satan doesn’t have knowledge about everything and everyone.
He relies on monitoring spirits.
Satan and his demons are always so curious to know what is happening in people’s lives so that they can know how best and where best to attack.
They send demonic monitoring spirits that watch people and listen to people’s conversations in order to know things about that person.
If they attack someone,then they want to monitor and see the person’s reaction to the attack.
If they see that the attack is yielding the desired result and hindering the person from continuing to pray,then they know that whenever they want to get you to quit praying, that attack is their reliable weapon.
For example if something happens in your life and you react to it by being angry with God and stop praying,satan monitors all those reactions.
And since he really wants to keep you from praying,he’ll keep attacking you in that area because he knows that’s where he’s got you,that’s the area that yields the results he desires.
Then you will start to wonder why the same attack persists,it’s because it’s yielding results and has become satan’s trusted weapon against you.
We should always pray against demonic spirits sent to monitor our lives.
And we should never react to situations in a way that will please satan,it only invites more attacks in the same area because as long as he can see it yields results,that’s the place he ll keep hitting.
It’s the reason some people keep experiencing the same attack over and over.
Instead, never allow yourself to feel like a victim and stop praying.
No matter what happens,pray and rely on Jesus.
He will grant you victory.
God willing I will share more in a video on some things the Lord Jesus showed me on how monitoring spirits work and how we can defeat them.
Spiritual warfare is real and it is continuously there regardless of wether or not you engage in it,satan attacks you anyway.
But prayer is a mighty weapon in defeating satan.
Which is why God’s children must take their rightful place in the battle because we’re assured of victory.
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