If you only eat a spoonful of food daily,your body will become severely mulnourished and vulnerable to illness.
Your Spirit man also lives on spiritual food fellowship with God through prayer and hearing His word.
Whispering a prayer for a minute before going to bed is not enough fellowship to keep your spirit man alive,s/he will be mulnourished and vulnerable to sin.
Many people can pray in church and get satisfaction when they’re seen as prayerful people by others in church.
But a person’s TRUE relationship with Jesus that truly enables them to live a holy life is the time they spend in private prayer.
Many cannot pray on their own and only pray in church.
The reason people struggle with sin is because they do not have private prayer.
Jesus says go into your closet and pray to your Father in secret and He will reward you openly.
People who habitually spend alot of time in private prayer have power to overcome temptation.
People who do not pray on their own will continue to live a carnal life with no real fear of God.
They may look spiritual but once you get close to them you will realize they have no real fear of God and only put up a facade.
They only care about appearing right before men,but all the secrets of the heart will be brought to judgement before a holy God.
Living a holy life pleasing to Jesus is only possible when we are connected to Him through unbroken fellowship and intimacy.
As soon as a branch is disconnected from a tree it dies.
Your real relationship with Jesus is what happens in secret, not just a picture you paint before people.
Your real relationship with Jesus is the only thing you will carry with you in death, together with its fruits.
A real relationship with Jesus yields righteousness.
But lack of a real relationship with Jesus yields hypocrisy with no genuine love for God.
When we examine our lives,deep down our hearts we know what our real relationship with Jesus is.
If it’s non existent,we are still alive and can change that.
Start praying daily.
Go into the secret place and seek your God with all your heart, it’s not too late.
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