But the grace of God doesn't give us permision to sin.Even under grace,the bible is clear that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God.God says only the righteous will see Him.being righteous doesn't mean you ve never sinned,it means Jesus Christ has washed you with His prescious blood and everytime you realize you ve sinned,you quickly turn to God and ask for His forgiveness.The bible says a righteous man may fall 7 times,but 7 times he will rise again.He doesn't stay in sin and defend it,instead he recognises that he's sined and confesses His sin and therefore finds forgiveness and God calls him righteous.The unrighteous however,when his sin is brought to light by God's word,instead of repenting,he defends his sin and comes up with reasons why he can go on in his sinful way.
So please let's stop making excuses for sin like being under grace,because even in the new testament,the bible has given us lists and lists of people who will not inherit God's kingdom.
If grace meant we should just confess Jesus Christ and continue in our sinful ways hoping to be saved by grace,then there wouldn't be all these lists of things christians shouldn't do.Grace requires us to turn from our old works because if we don't,they will condemn us on that day when we stand before God.
God's word is a mirror and you can either get self defensive and perish,or recognise your sin and repent."What joy for those whose record God has cleared of sin"(Romans 4:8).
"…Those who indulge in sexual sin,or worship idols,or commit adultery,or are male prostitutes,or practice homosexuality,or are thieves,or are abusive,or cheat people-none of these will inherit the kingdom of heaven" 1 corinthians 6:9-10
"For this you know that no immoral,or unclean person,nor coveteous man who is an idolater has any inheritance in the kingdom of God.Ephesians 5:5. And the lists go on.you can also readcolosians 3:5-6,Revelation 21:8,Galatians 5:19,2 Thessalonians 1:8-9.
People get very defensive when you tell them about repentance and they call it "the law" and begin to tell you how they are under grace.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— December 1, 2014
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