(Jesus Christ wants non of the above.)
The Lord Jesus Christ told me satan has planted the spirit of
religiousness and compromise in the church.The Lord said satan
wants people to either be religious and even reject or not care much about seeking God and fellowship with the Holyspirit
and receiving His gifts,or to love the gifts of the Holyspirit but be in
compromise.The Lord said this is because Satan knows that when
people are on either sides they will still end up in hell.I saw a huge
eagle,black in color,with huge wings spread wide.It was flying
across the sky and was an imitation of the White Eagle,Jesus
Christ.The Lord told me this fake eagle was a demon under the
marine spirit known as the queen of the coast and was sent to
oppose the preaching of the full counsel of God…which includes
repentance,true holiness and the Holyspirit.This spirit was sent to
fight against anyone who was preaching the full counsel of
God.Then I saw a huge serpent.The Lord told me its a seductive
spirit sent to deceive people into believing a lie so that they end up
in hell.The snake was saying,"am going to deceive humanity in the
same way I deceived Adam and Eve."Then suddenly I saw countless
pastors,their tongues transformed into snakes!In place of the
tongues there were snakes!Immediately they began opposing
anyone who was preaching the truth and said alot of bad things
about them.I saw these pastors deceiving their church members
that they were okay with God when they were actually in sin.But
they did this in a very deceptive way that people could not notice
what they were being taught was a lie.Then the Lord showed me the
condition of such churches after this,instead of being pure
white,they were cream white.The Lord also told me to warn His
people about hypocrisy.He said many of His people are living in
pretense,wanting to appear righteous before men while actually
living in sin.No hypocrites will inherit God's Kingdom.
What Jesus showed me is happening even now.Its either a church will just be concerned about dos and don'ts without actually caring or seeking God in spirit and truth,or a church will be so on fire seeking and moving in the power of the Holyspirit and yet not even care about obedience to God or His holiness.
God doesn't want any of these two extremes,He wants a church concerned with holiness and at the same time filled with the Holyspirit and seeking God.
He told me this was how the church was in the days of the Apostles and it's how He wants it to be even now.
We must be holy and live righteously and at the same time be filled with the Holyspirit and move in His power.Thats God's will.
He doesn't want us praying,prophesying,performing miracles and yet unconcerned about holiness,and He doesn't want us concerned about holiness yet not yielded to the Holyspirit or interested in seeking God,it's how being religious starts . Jesus wants both.
Holyspirit filled church.Thats God's will.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— March 1, 2016
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