Message from Jesus received in 2015.
Over the years that the Lord has been speaking to us and the miracles He has done for us, we have been transcribing everything in books as He directed us. This is to help us not to forget messages spoken to us and all the great things He has done for us. I was going through the books this evening when I came across an important message that I felt I need to share.
The Lord on 30th October 2015 gave a serious message of caution over how we choose to live our lives. Do we only care about living comfortably here on earth while having no regard for the eternal destinations of our souls?
The Lord also revealed Satan’s strategy of luring true servants of God with money and worldly possessions in exchange for their souls. Satan does not like real servants of God because they give warnings to people in order for them to be saved from going to hell. He only likes preachers such as those who focus on prosperity preaching without warning people about hell. As a result, he has set out to destroy various callings of children of God, through ways such as trying to get them to backslide to their old ways such as immorality, alcohol, evil company and various over sinful behaviour. He also tries to lure them with money, amounts which some find too hard to resist.
The aim of him doing this is to strike the shepherd. He knows that by attacking the message bearer, he will prevent thousands from hearing the truth because that preacher will stop preaching holiness. He knows that this is a better and more effective method, than trying than trying to attack the hearers on an individual basis. Once he attacks the message bearer, he would have attacked thousands because they will no longer be able to hear the truth ad will continue in their sinful behaviour which will lead them to hell. Zachariah 13:7 “Strike the Shepherd
and the sheep will be scattered.”
It is useless for people to spend time eating, buying clothes, getting educated and going about their lives and even attending church only to end up in hell. It makes no sense. All those things will be of no benefit to them. How I wish they would do all those things, knowing in their hearts that they are going to Heaven. Otherwise, it is the same as though they never existed. The Lord was weeping with all His heart as He said this.
He said, “People need to set their priorities right. They concentrate and put all of their attention on things that will perish. Instead, let them use this life to pile up treasures in Heaven by doing my work. This way, their minds will be set on going to Heaven. This way, their souls will be saved.”
“Why do most people opt to selling their souls to Lucifer in exchange for things of this world?” Mark 8:36-37, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? 37 Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”
“Why are you so blind to the future? Like little children who only think of the present. Do you not value the eternal destiny of your soul? Oh vain flesh! How terrible it will be for those who knew me and choose to walk away from the truth!” Hebrews 10:26-27.
“Resist the devil and he will flee from you. For Satan has started aiming at the true servants of God!” James 4:7, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
“Satan has started initiating my servants into his Kingdom in exchange for worldly riches.” “Do not be deceived in broad daylight for what a man sows, that he will reap, and twofold for those that knew me! Set your heart on me and I will be found by you.” Galatians 6:7 “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”
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