A brother in Christ asked me to share this testimony to glorify the Lord for what He has done for his family.
Last week I received a prayer request from a brother in Christ about how his wife’s brother in law in Haiti had been kidnapped by criminals.
He asked for prayer, saying the criminals could demand a huge ransom.
We prayed and the next day he sent me a message about how the wife’s brother in law had been released by the kidnappers!
After trying to negotiate with them,they demanded $5000 and when the family took the money to them,they released the man but just when the family started to move away from the place,the criminals sent back the whole 5000 dollars to the man’s family,then started arguing among themselves and a big fight erupted among them!
The man is safe and sound and because of Jesus, they didn’t have to spend a single coin for his freedom!
How could criminals kidnap someone, demand a ransom,yet return all the money after releasing him?
This can only be God!
For with God, nothing is impossible!
God created confusion in the enemy’s camp.
He is so powerful and nothing is impossible for Him!
When we pray,He hears our prayers.Everything becomes possible!
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