Hi friends! I'd like to share a vision the Lord gave me about spiritual growth.
In a vision, the Lord showed me a white building with some people inside. This building kept going higher and and higher.
It was more like it was growing out of the ground like a plant.
As it was growing higher, I noticed the ground cracking and breaking and there was a great sound as if of an earthquake as it was coming out from the ground at a great speed and with force.
I then understood this as spiritual growth. The Lord was showing me what happens in the spiritual realm when we pray,fast,read the word,stay up all night praying,evangelise or do any other work for him.
This is how much impact what we do in the physical realm has in the spiritual realm. Your prayers are making you grow spiritually with such great force that the growth is making a sound like an earthquake. We do not know all this but Satan knows and that is why he is always trying to draw us backwards.
We do not know it but we are constantly growing spiritually even without us noticing the growth just as long we remain consistent.
You can't tell physically just like you can't tell that your physical body is growing. However if you continue nourishing it overtime when you look back even on pictures, you'll see how much you've grown. Its the same spiritually. If you've been consistent despite the opposition and Satan's attacks to your prayer life if you look back now, you'll see how much you've changed. You'll see just how much you now have faith in God as compared to the past, how much you no longer struggle with some sins etc.
However Satan wants you to believe a lie that nothing happens when you pray so that he stops your spiritual growth.
That building was going higher and higher and it's only destination is the highest point which is Heaven. With continuous prayer, that building can only climb higher higher and will reach the highest point (Heaven).
This is an encouragement message for anyone who feels like they are going nowhere spiritually and they feel like giving up.
If your prayers and other things that you do for God had no impact, Satan wouldn't be trying so hard to stop you.
#Jesus Saves
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