If you ve been praying about something but you haven't received yet,or you ve been seeking the Holyspirit Baptism,or seeking anything else from The Lord,I ve shared below the Lord's words of encouragement.
Keep seeking and you will find,this is God's assurance to everyone,not just some,but everyone who seeks, or asks,and this promise can also be found in the bible.
Jesus told me that we should never to be afraid of asking, because nothing is too big to ask from God. He said we must always be confident that whenever we pray the Lord hears.
He said," sometimes when you pray, satan will come with all sorts of lies saying, “God isn’t hearing you. God isn’t listening to your prayers.” But don’t listen to him.he is the father of lies and has been a liar from the begining."
The Lord said sometimes when we pray,God may be silent, but He hears your prayers.
The Lord Jesus Christ said, “When you pray, sometimes the answer may come immediately, but other times it may take some time, because God wants you to be patient and trust Him. But the answer WILL ALWAYS COME, because it is My promise that whoever asks, receives.”END OF MSG.
This assurance that the Lord gave is already in the bible.
Keep seeking and you will find.Keep knocking,and the door will be opened.
Do not listen to discouragement from satan,have faith in God and know that the answer will come.
I had always wanted the Holyspirit baptism and I used to ask from God.
But I never took it seriously,I used to ask for it casually,just when I remember during prayer.I would just mention it.I had no hunger or thirst for the Holyspirit,I'd just ask because I knew it was in the bible,I didn't care if I received or not.
I did this for years,I never received.
But when I knew how important the Holyspirit is,when I madeup my mind to seek God.
My whole attitude about it had to change.
I decided t give God no rest until He grants it to me.
I began to pray with all of my heart(not just casually) and I began to seek God.But God seemed to be silent.I read verses that say God will respond at just the right time(Isaiah 49:8) and I just continued seeking Him,even when He seemed to be silent and didn't seem to answer.
I held on to His promise contained in His word and just continued seeking,even though I'd be discouraged sometimes.
And then the answer came,at a time I didn't even expect!
God isn't a man to lie or change His mind(Numbers 23:19).
He is our Heavenly Father who truly loves us and wants to give us what we ask for.The Holyspirit is a gift and God desires to give Him to you.If that's what you are seeking,just wait on God.
And if you are seeking anything else from God,just hold on to His promise.It is a must that the answer will come.Keep seeking and you ll find.Make sure you set things right with God and seek Him.He will answer (Luke 18:2-8,Luke 11:5-13,matthew 7:7-11)
The Lord's Words of Encouragement To Those Who Seek & Ask
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— January 29, 2015
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