This is something the Lord told me about last week.
He is very concerned that many people do not care to seek and know Him in truth and Spirit so that He can set them free from the bondage of sin that they are in.
The Lord said many are still so stuck in sin and have been taught to trivialize and embrace their sin and to believe that it is both unnecessary and impossible to be freed from their sin, all because they do not seek Him.
Jesus is concerned that many only care to align their lifestyle into becoming good church members,but do not care to align their lives to God’s word.
This is something really serious because death is real and eternity follows after that.
Being a good church member doesn’t guarantee that one truly belongs to the body of Christ and will be saved.
Jesus wants us to cut off sin, develop a lifestyle of prayer and ask for the baptism of the Holy Spirit that we may truly be born again.
Then we will bear fruit of righteousness because Jesus will change us and death will not catch us by surprise.
We will be found safe in Jesus, living a holy life.
This is something the Lord told me about last week….
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— July 3, 2022
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