We need to imitate Jesus Christ.
He is the creator of all that exists, nothing exists that He didn’t create.
He is the most exalted in the entire universe,the wisest,the wealthiest.
He is the greatest King in all history, with absolute power over all mankind, animals and all creation.
Jesus is the greatest of all yet He is so humble and He is so lowly.
Even when He came on earth,He didn’t choose to be born in a noble family,He was born in a stable, among the animals.
He was born in a very humble family.
He never exalted Himself even when they didn’t know who He really was and humiliated Him and crucified Him.
He still remained so humble,He didn’t try to show off at any time, yet He has so much He can show off.
He owns everything that exists, including our breath.
He has always had a reason to be proud and show off,but He has never done that.
He has always chosen humility.
And He hates pride.
Let us imitate Jesus and cut off every bit of pride whenever it tries to show up in our lives.
Let us humble ourselves like Jesus because God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.
We do not need to exalt ourselves in any way even when we are better than others because we all came with nothing and will leave with nothing.
There’s nothing on earth worth being proud for because it is all temporal.
Jesus hates pride and it is a sin.
Once we start searching our lives and getting rid of it, humility becomes a lifestyle and pride will not be hidden from us and God will help us get rid of it.
Jesus is our example.Pride and showing off is a sin.
God resists the proud.
We need to imitate Jesus Christ….
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— July 5, 2022
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