Am sharing a dream given to my husband last night.
In the dream,first he saw a very huge beast arising and spreading it’s huge wings all over the earth.
The beast was dark in colour and he was seeing it from it’s back.
It had very huge wings and when it spread them out,the tip of one wing could touch the end of the earth,and the other wing touched the other end of the earth.
It covered the entire earth.
It rose up above the earth, hovering on over the earth,with the entire earth under it.
On the beast’s back,it had one star.
The star was placed on it’s back similar to how you wear a crown on the head but instead of a crown,it was a star.
After he saw this beast,the scene changed,he saw satan in his kingdom extremely happy because he thought he had a “master plan” that was he was going to execute against God’s children on the earth.
Satan begun to mock how the angels of the Lord in heaven sing and praise God.
My husband could see a screen and on the screen it showed a part of heaven with the angels glorifying God.
Satan was mocking because he thought he had everything planned out against God’s children.
But in the dream my husband knew that God was silent not because He couldn’t save His children but because it was the time He had appointed for prophecy to be fulfilled,so God allowed it.
Satan was saying,”sing on!I have my master plan!”
Then again the scene changed and he saw that the new beast system that was introduced was meant to favour the people of the world and their children,and to work against God’s children on the earth and their children.
They started killing Christians and their children!
There were war plans hovering over the earth.
The beast’s army knew who the children of God were and they knew where they lived!
God’s children were their only target.
We started looking for a place where we could hide our son because we knew they would soon come for us.
We wished there was a tunnel we could hide him in so that the beast’s people could not find him.
But then as we were standing at the entrance to our house,we saw one of the war planes come close to our house,then they used a camera and took a picture of us and our house.
They were doing that to all God’s children.
First they would hover over their house and take a picture,then the planes would hover there again more like a warning that ” we are coming for you!” then they would would come and shoot and kill them and because of the type of weapons they used,if they attacked a building no one there would survive.
In the dream,my husband knew that I knew that they were coming for me next,but I went about my business like someone who didn’t know that they are about to die.
I knew but I wasn’t worried,God had given me peace and I knew that I would be safe no matter what happened,even in death I would be safe and so I didn’t care that I was about to die and wasn’t panicking but just going about my business.
God had given His children peace in the midst of it all.
Then the dream ended.
We need to make our lives right with God while we still have time because if we are living in sin when the time of persecution comes we will not have the strength to endure and we will cherish this life more and reject Jesus, choosing the anti Christ.
But if we follow Jesus with all our hearts now,we will be strong enough in that time because we will know this earth isn’t our home but heaven is.
The only safe place is to be right with God because then no matter what may happen to us now and in future we would be safe because the real person isn’t this physical body,it’s the soul.
That’s why Jesus says don’t fear those who can only kill your body but can’t do anything else after that.
Rather fear God because He can kill your body and afterwards cast your soul to hell for further torment.
God is the One we should fear and our life after this earth is the one we should care about, earthly life is extremely temporal.
The things of the world are quickly passing away.
Nothing is worth going to hell for because all the things we think are so prescious right now,in a few years they would have passed away,no one will even want them or desire them.
But if you loved the world,you will be in hell because of those sinful things you think are so prescious.
People who died in sin 10 years ago, and 20 years ago are still in hell up to now.
Some are in hell for worldly fashion yet those things have passed away and no one on earth even desires to wear the things that took those people to hell 20 years ago.
Some are in hell for watching worldly movies that glorify sin and immorality and no one on earth still desires to watch those movies from 20 years ago because they think they are boring,but they took some people to hell because they thought they were so prescious then.
Some are in hell for stealing yet those things they stole 20 years ago are nothing valuable now because they are old fashioned.
The world is truly passing away very quickly.
Only Jesus will never pass away.
The words He has spoken will never pass away and they will give us eternal life.
Stop seeking this life,it’s very temporal.
Value and seek Jesus Christ.
* Picture for illustration purpose only, the beast he saw was huge and could cover the earth,with a star on it’s back.*
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