ARMY OF GOD: 23,900 Strong Christians Worldwide

Written by Zipporah Mushala — June 24, 2016 — 4 comments
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Son of Jesus Christ
Son of Jesus Christ

Good day. Before the entire Christian community finds this website and start r replying, clowding out my chance of receiving a response from you, my question is this. Can you biblically show, or pray to Jesus Christ personally to get his views if it is that a human being is not destined to hell or heaven please. Jesus made it clear that only a few will make heaven 2.2 billion christians world wide and 23900??? Rapture ready? Wow… it has me to wonder if humans really are destined individually to heaven or hell. It was even prophesied in old testament that Judas would betray Jesus N Fall…. it shows that God knows who making heaven or not…. so many of us are doing this walk in vain… do we really have free will… free will that can literally alter our future?? Judas case was sad demise.. no matter how much he may have wanted to change he could not.. Cz it was prophesied he would betray Jesus.. now Judas in hell sigh.. please answer this message, the founder of this website.. does man really have a free will that can alter our destiny? Or is it that God already knows who will make heaven or hell?

Cristina Ebrahim
Cristina Ebrahim

Dear brother. In my best understanding, we have the power to choose between Hell and Heaven. THAT is free will. But… Satan himself disguises as a beautiful, holy angel, and so do his minions and his devices to deceive us. So, we have one hyperpowerful weapon: praying. But we also have fellowship and good churches, whose members can understand you, and help you with your battle against the Supreme Deceiver. However, this is just what I understood, and I am also very young (12 years old), so I may be unexperienced. May God abundantly bless you and your family, and keep you in all His ways.

Cristina Ebrahim
Cristina Ebrahim

I am sorry if I disturbed you in any non-edifying way

Cristina Ebrahim
Cristina Ebrahim

I want to be a strong christian! But I am in Italy, a strongly catholic country, and lots of things the Catholic Church preaches is unbiblical. Dear fellow christians, could you help me to find a good church in Milan? Thanks and God bless

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