This is from an experience with the Lord Jesus Christ as he showed me the pit of darkness-HELL.
The Lord pointed at something and said, “Do you see that? What do you think it is?” I saw something being spilled into a dark pit. It looked like a waterfall or sand. I answered, “Sand?” He brought the view closer, and I could see that it was not sand at all, but countless human beings falling into a pit! He said, “This place is a trash can, the tares are gathered and burnt in here.” These people were from every race, tribe and language, the young and the old. There were Mongoloids, Eskimos, Maasai’s, Buddhists, Hindus, spiritualists, prostitutes, the blind, mothers, fathers and children. The list is endless. Yes, even children, when they know what is wrong and right, must choose their destination. They were all falling into hell in different positions. Some were falling shoulder first, stomach first, head first, back first, hand first etc. at the speed of light. Some were clothed, some were not.
The Lord said with pain in His voice, “They are living on earth, ignoring Me like I don’t exist. Especially in these secular movies, they create a scenario where the people have a ‘perfect life’ chasing their own pleasure, building their relationships and having their dream jobs with totally nothing to do with Me. It is unfortunate for them, because they have terribly deceived themselves. They do not think so, but they desperately need Me to save them. In just a snap of a finger, they may be dead and they’ll find themselves in this horrendous place. They have to repent; they just have to if they want to be saved, because I can never receive them into my kingdom when they are dead. They did not want to associate themselves with Me in life and they will surely not associate with Me in death. People who watch these movies also end up behaving the same. Come back to Me now before the door is closed.” He said this part with urgency in His voice.
He put His hand on my shoulder and said, come and see this. There were cauldrons with boiling lava and people in them! The flesh of these people was being washed away from their bones by it. One man in a cauldron upon seeing Jesus began unleashing insults on Him. He said, “I’ll get you yet, God!” and some other horrible things I would rather not repeat. When the man insulted Jesus, I felt like a knife had been driven through my heart and I told him, “If there is anyone you want to blame, it is yourself and the demons that deceived you into to this place. Your own sinful pleasures have landed you here!” But the Lord told me, “Don’t mind them, they belong to their father, the devil.” The Lord just looked at him sadly and said, “In life you insulted Me. You thought and said you did not need Me, and even in death, you continue to insult Me and are not repentant.” A fat, ugly demon with dirty, green saliva dripping from its mouth then came and drowned him in the lava. Then the Lord told me, “When the people in this place ask for my mercy and say they have repented, it is not because they are sorry for their sins but because they are in pain. They are all just like this man.”
He continued, “This is the result for all those who did not want to have anything to do with Me in life. This is not all but just one of the least punishments. From here, these people will be transferred to other sections for punishment. These people thought, ‘What a fulfilled life I have. I have all the money, happiness and just what else can I need?’ I sent my people to them, but they refused to listen, and some of them even said, ‘God is for the poor and hopeless that need to be comforted.’ They did not know that it was demons that were whispering to them.” Some people in this section are also those who were racist or used foul language on earth. I saw no limit of torture in hell. Demons did as they pleased, and they did it with zeal and delight. When new people landed, they felt a new surge of energy. They would walk about majestically with pride. I also want you to know that demons never get tired of torturing these people. The Lord also disapproved of dirty jokes, either saying or listening to them.
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