Being a Christian is not about following a list of do's and dont's. Its about having a personal relationship with God and spending time with Him through ways such as reading the word of God, praising and worshiping him in songs and having a life of prayer with fastings. Its about knowing who God is and what He wants. His will for humanity. The bible says if we draw closer to God, He will draw closer to us.
A relationship with God is about knowing God and Him knowing you through the time you spend together. Its about falling in love with God and wanting nothing apart from pleasing Him. This results in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit who ensures a genuine change of heart and perspective. He changes our being and desires and changes them from being worldly and mindful only of the flesh to being mindful of the things of God. As the Holy Spirit works in us it brings about obedience to God's word.
You can follow all things such as outward holiness, but still not make it to Heaven because you are not filled with the Holy Spirit and you don't have a personal relationship with God. Jesus is the only way to Heaven and you have to know Him personally by having a personal relationship with Him. Being with Him and being baptised by the Holy Spirit is what causes a genuine change of heart.
God always has a reason behind letting us know that some things are sinful. He does not just make up a list of the blue and for no reason. For example, He let's us know we should not watch secular TV and the reason is that secular TV always promotes a sinful life. There is violence, sexual content and bad language. It also promotes other vices such as lying,stealing etc as the cool thing to do. It also promotes a Godless life as people in these films or cartoons do not give a care about God but just go about their daily activities as if He does not exist, so that is teaching us wrong things.
You need to have an inner conviction that certain things are sinful and not good for our Christian walk and its only the Holy Spirit who convicts. So if someone is just following a list of rules because they have been told so without really having an inner conviction, many such people tend to backslide because it does not come from the inside.
Also,there are many things we may not even know are sinful and we may be doing them but if one has the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will personally convict you that such a thing is sinful. It is not possible to list all things that are sin. You may be doing some sins which you do not even know that they are wrong and which someone may not even have a testimony about and that's why you you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit coz He's our guide to Heaven. You also need the baptism of the Holy Spirit to discern between good and evil.
The bible says trust not every spirit. Some people try to exaggerate holiness by putting weird things such as saying do not use soap to bath or other crazy things. Such is just meant to make holiness look undesirable and to make people abandon holiness all together coz they feel burdened. Holiness is beautiful and it separates us from the world and makes us pure before God. We receive the Holy Spirit by asking in prayer.
#Walking with Jesus everyday.
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