When I started walking with Jesus 10 years ago (2012),I met many people who told me it’s not possible to live a holy life and said I would soon turn back to living a lukewarm life.
When I went out to evangelize many people who would say,”wow it’s so nice to see young people who love Jesus.”
Then they would say,”when did you give your life to Jesus?”
And when I told them it was a few months ago,then they would say,”oh,no wonder!You’ll soon get tired.We’ve been there too.It’s just the initial excitement,it will wear off.It’s not possible to live for Jesus,there are too many attractive temptations on earth.”
But it didn’t wear out.
And in 2016 when I was getting married to my husband and moving to a new town,an elderly person I know had this advice for me,”Rachael,now that you are getting married, it’s time to stop all these things you have been doing of talking about your visions.You are too obsessed talking about Jesus.In the town where you are going,just find a good church to settle in with your husband and become commited members so that if you have any marital problems they can help you sort them out.But stop all these things you have been sharing and just live quietly.”
This is because Jesus isn’t real to many people.
They have never encountered Him and only serve Him in the flesh.
They have not been born of the Holy Spirit.
And because it’s not possible to serve God in the flesh,they think it’s impossible to serve God at all.
And they just want to settle for a dead religion.
That you should just belong to a church and do all the religious acts without serving God in Spirit and Truth.
Satan has convinced many that serving God is impossible and that all those who seem to serve God are just hypocrites.
But God is real and He is able to change people’s lives forever.
As long as you stay connected to Him.
I was months old in my faith when people thought I would get over this “obsession” with Jesus and it’s now 10 years and no,I don’t feel like turning back!
Jesus has made this my lifestyle.
Serving Him isn’t a burden,the Spirit of God makes it become natural.
One day my husband said to me,”God used you to show me that it’s really possible to completely live your whole life for Jesus.It’s easy to pretend to live a holy life from a distance but living with you and seeing your life at this close range really made me realize it’s possible to live your whole life completely for Jesus.”
That surprised me and I told him so, because to me am just living my normal life.
So my husband said to me,”I have never met anyone so consistent with prayer everyday for years! Even when situations come up and I think you will give up you still don’t!’
Even that couldn’t relate because I actually do not feel like that.
I feel like I just spend time with Jesus like I should but hearing it from someone else made me realize the power that the Holy Spirit has.
He makes prayer to become normal to you,no longer a burden.
He makes obedience to Jesus to become normal to you, not burdensome.
I don’t feel like am being pushed to do things I do for Jesus.
I don’t feel like am being burdened to live a certain way by being obedient to Jesus.
I just feel like am just living the life I want to live!
With all my heart I really do not want to live a life contrary to the life Jesus wants me to live.
So many people feel like living their lives for Jesus is a burden,but you just have to spend time with Jesus in prayer and to learn to depend on Him.
If you don’t feel like praying,go to pray anyway and ask Jesus to help you.
Prayer will eventually become a lifestyle.
And obedience to Jesus will become normal to you.
Whenever you spend time with Jesus He removes from your flesh and fills that space with Himself.
So when you consistently spend time with Jesus,He kills your flesh and makes His life normal for you.
There will be times you still won’t feel like praying but you will know you have to.
My husband’s comments made me think of what people thought when I embarked on this journey 10 years ago.
They thought it wasn’t possible.
They thought it’s just a phase and it will wear out.
But Jesus is still proving that it is possible,but not with man’s power.
With God’s power.
When we keep seeking Him He will normalize living for Him and we won’t feel forced or burdened.
When letting go of sin at first,yes it’s painful and yes you will feel burdened.
But Jesus will eventually take that burden from you and fill you with His life so that His life may be natural to you.
That is how His burden is light.
His burden being light doesn’t mean we are free to live in sin it means we lean on Him and He changes us and we will not feel burdened because He normalizes His life.
Don’t give up,seek Jesus and keep seeking Jesus till it becomes a lifestyle for you.
Till He fills you with His Spirit and even after that you must continue to seek Him and rely on Him.
I am still depending on Jesus because without Him I can love my sin and obedience to Him can seem burdensome.
We have to depend on Him our whole lives.
That is the only way.
It does get easier with Jesus.
Don’t let satan lie to you that it’s impossible.
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