Those Who Bowed Down to lucifer now in hell fire
Those who willingly who serve satan on earth. I saw them being thrown from a high cliff into boiling lava. I saw a demon dragging a woman to a cliff. As he dragged her, tiny insects whose sting was like fire infested her legs and were climbing all over her. She was in so much pain that she looked lifeless and made no resistance to the insects. The huge, muscular demon threw her over the cliff with one hand like a rag. A huge snake with thorns in its mouth was waiting for her down the cliff in the lava. It would not burn. Before she could even reach down, it swallowed her and she passed through the body of the snake till she came out at the end. Her flesh could barely be seen. Only bones stood. Before she could even take a breath, the seething lava carried her into a tunnel and I saw no more of her.
Those Who Make up Their Own Teachings and Do Not Believe in the Afterlife
“These stubbornly adhered to their own teachings contrary to the Bible. They used science and reason to dispute the existence of God and the afterlife mostly to comfort them. Most of them knew in their hearts that they believed a lie.” I saw a lot of people on their marks as if ready for a race. At the end was one apple tree with no fruits. There was only one apple at the foot of the tree. At a demon’s whistle, they all ran at top speed for the one fruit even hurting each other in the process. When they reached the destination however, there was nothing but huge wheels, which started spinning at top speed with the people on them. Heads were being cut off and bodiless heads were just bouncing all over the place screaming “Nooo nooo nooo!” One demon holding a huge garden fork was standing by watching and it gave a soft laughter. It crossed its legs while turning an ‘apple’ round and round in its hand and said, “Humans, so easy to deceive.” The Lord also said that on the gate of hell, the words “Welcome To Hell” are written because in his word, it is written, ask and you’ll receive, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. He said it is because you are being welcomed to the place you were seeking on earth.
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