That's the heart of intimacy with God.
When you begin to really love Jesus,you will be drawn to Him and begin to spend more time with Him,and want to please Him.
If you want to fall in love with God,begin to pray asking Him to make you love Him.
If you do this with all your heart,get ready to be addicted to Him.
You will be drawn to a life of prayer and seeking Him more.This is just from personal experience.
There was a time when I just began praying this prayer.
I began to feel like when am just doing other things apart from praying,reading the bible etc am wasting time.
I remember one day I had to go shopping with my brothers and my sister Zipporah,all the way I just kept telling them,"you guys let's hurry,I need to go and pray."
All I wanted was just to run home so I could fall on my knees and pray.There was a satisfaction that came from doing that and I was getting addicted to it.
Immediately we got home,I couldn't even wait to get in the house first,I just ran to the backyard and started praying!
Everything else away from Jesus began to lose meaning.
Sometimes I would be engaged in a conversation with someone and then just feel so drawn to Jesus like I should just go away to be alone with Him in prayer!
I felt like a very powerful magnet was drawing me Him.
Before I knew it,I know was spending alot of time in prayer without even noticing.
When you fall in love with Jesus,it's just awesome!
Let God take over your heart,ask Him to do that if you want it.
We are to love God with all our hearts,soul,mind.
Written by
Zipporah Mushala
— February 5, 2016
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