Message from Jesus Christ.
The Lord told me that we should always live Holy lives so that at any moment, we are ready for His Kingdom.
He said that many of us think we are different from those whom we see dying or whose death we hear about and that we think that for us, it will be different and that we will know when we're about to die. The Lord said that it will not be so and that we are not different from those who have died nor that are we special but that we will also die like them.
He said, " The day you die will just be a normal day. The sun won't stand still to show that you're now about to die so that you can now repent nor will there be an eclipse of the moon to show that you're about to die no! There are no warning bells for death. It will just be a normal day and some of you may not even be sick but you may just go to bed and your soul leaves your body in your sleep. That's why you should always be ready for my Kingdom. Tell people to live Holy lives. "
"Tell my children that they should not be with me today and in the world tomorrow, jumping back and forth. Some of those who are in Hell are there because of living such lives. They would be with me today and with Satan tomorrow and back again. Then they died while they were still with the devil. Tell my people to be Holy because without Holiness, they will not see my face. "
"Tell my people that salvation is not a group thing but it is a one man's journey. Don't refuse to repent just because you see someone else committing that sin because you don't know when your life will end. Its a personal journey."
"They may get a chance to repent later but now may be your last chance. Be foolish before the world for only a few earthly years so that you may be the wise one for eternity. "
"Many have been there before you and many will be there after you here on this earth . You will not be here forever. The things of this world are passing away but those who put their trust in me will never pass away. Please choose me today while you still have a chance to repent before you cross over to the land of no repentance. "
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